chapter 17

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(Homophobic slur warning)

"And why do u care Simon?
I thought u hated me? I thought u saw me as a worthless fagg?" Grian said without any emotion in his voice
That simon could tell

Simon flinched at what he said remembering what he said and knowing how grian was feeling

"Listen I'm sorry I did that shit..."
Simon said with a sad tone

Grian looked over at him to see Simon nearly crying grian's eyes went wide
At this sight

"I just didnt grow up in uhhh a very accepting family and I went thro alot of shit cause of how I dated a guy at one point and I saw it as some sin but I didn't realize I was making u grow thro the same shit I went thro im- I'm..... elly sorry " simon was basically crying at this point

(Lol here's a quick choice for readers )
1. Forgive simon
2.dont forgive him

(Also if u pick one choice I'll still show u guys what happened if u chosse the other thing)

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