Burn The Seeds

12 1 2

Lovely flowers

bloom with pride.

They sway with beauty and charm,

Using their nectar to attract and deceive.

Their petals stand large and proud,

reaching towards the heavens.

Lovely flowers don’t cry like silly little girls.

Lovely flowers are petite and innocent,

always replying with an obedient, “yes”

or a quiet, “thank you.”

Lovely flowers don’t have their own opinions.

Lovely flowers are young ladies with pale skin that shines.

Lovely flowers laugh and sneeze

with elegance.

Live and love with elegance.

(Lonely) lovely flowers stay home and look pretty.

Their dresses are not just pieces of fabric,

They are signs of a respectable lady.

So tuck in your hair,

and lift up your chin.

Let me teach you how to grow into a lovely flower.

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