The Conquest: Maine Maddison McKinney

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I wrote thirty six letters for Drew. Thirty six letters for every week she'd be away from me. Then she died. Excuse me, killed herself. A shame really. I knew Drew was weak but...I never went to the funeral. With our house burning down and the police investigation, my mom was slow to plan a funeral. Around the time Drew's coffin hit the ground, I was hopping off a bus and strolling into a cage. I'm thankful for it. Got me out of that funeral. She wasn't this misunderstood, mentally disturbed little girl that the media's made her out to be. She was a soldier who'd fled her post. She was a pussy.

They were quick to sentence us;only three weeks between Klaus' confession and our trial. Our cases were shoved to the top of the state's list as to quiet the public outrage.

About three days after spring break, Lucinda's mom, Tamara, discovered her car stashed away on the outskirts of the border with a bloody trunk. The others law enforcement was quick to declare the case a kidnapping. Didn't take long before witnesses began speaking of six "strange" teens that crashed a rager with Lucinda. The cops gave it about a week before letting Tamera know that if Lucinda was beyond the border, there's a next to none chance of finding her or the body.

Tamera didn't take that very lightly. I mean, I get it, the justice system is fucked in every which way no matter where ya live, but man, being told that you might as well start planning a funeral does not sit lightly...for Tamera. For us, it was great. A perfect crime. I hadn't taken into account that Tamera's mother was a journalist and knew how to work the press in her favor. Connie however, did her research, and may or may not have given Tamera a ring. Tamera did a total of thirty four interviews before the investigation was even concluded. Very illegal, but very smart. Once their world knew about this injustice, they took to the streets. Within a few days, news slithered over to our side, causing a worldwide political scuffle: who were the bad guys?

Most were pro MPDG and protested with them, side by side, but not all. Some saw through their bullshit. Some realized they were nothing more than subservient. Some knew they needed to be put back into their place. A series of lynchings occured. People who protested the borders went missing at night and were found swinging during the day. Although protestors on both sides began to go missing in larger and larger numbers, it wasn't until a gang of vigilantes shot up the protestors with some military grade firearms that both sides declared states of emergency. The UN had to hold an emergency conference. This fight was no longer about some slut who went missing. This was about the grey area.

Since the world could remember, everyone stayed on their own sides. Yes, some folks fucked and made mutts and others went missing or ran away to the other side, but no one ever really addressed it. The big question. The fat elephant. Were they people? Did they have the same rights as us? If not, what was the big deal. These five teens get a fine and a warning. Maybe even community service! But if they were people...oh boy. Laws would have to be changed. Justice would need to be served. Blah. Blah. Blah. Just a bunch of Other Sympathizer bullshit.

Lucinda was a good fuck. That's all. The only reason I'm in a cell right now is because she was a half breed with full rights. Total bull. However, she ain't the only I blame: Connie had her part.

I'm not really mad at her for lying. I'm not ashamed of what I did. I'm just mad I wasn't in on it. I mean, a race war? That's fucking genius! Plus, she knows I'm a goddamn mastermind. I would've elevated her plan. Why only murder the one girl? We could've kidnapped quite a few. If one girl could pit the world against each other, imagine what a dozen could.

But Connie and I are cool now. Her mom got us sentenced to the same prison. She's my cell mate. Four walls got to be quite dull. Connie and I have been running shit since the womb, we couldn't just put a halt to it all now. So we didn't. Connie and I wrote our manifesto, our baby, Us and Others. It's a thirty six chaptered step by step guide to conforming and submitting the others to our will. It explains in detail how they plague our pure Earth and burden society. How can we possibly grow and move on as a species, when we're competing with them? There can only be one top dog of the food chain: Us.

It was a spiritual journey to create this. We're both so young, but wisdom comes with experience not age. So, we read up on all the famous manifestos from Hitler to the Feminists to the U.S. Constitution( we also dabbled into the newer ones on race and the environment, but they bored Connie). Within two months, we wrote her. Not only did we bring to life a gift to the world, Connie and I grew to understand each other. She was my other half and equal. We were one.

We managed to sneak the manifesto to the outside. A digital copy was posted on a anti-others blog and blew up within twenty four hours. Our child rocked the world. It was in every article, on every social, and the topic of every show. Connie had gotten her connects to publish it exactly one day after the UN almost unanimously, a rare occurrence, agreed to acknowledge the rights of others and treat them as people. The war at the border had calmed at this point, but Us and Others sparked that fire once more.

Although our army is small, we will soon put an end to the destruction the others have caused. We will permanently close those borders. We will remain supreme. It's officially been a year since we've published. We've given our movement a name: The Saint Anthros Party, a party for the people. The Saint Anthros Party or SAP for short, vows to put humans back on top once more. Even though violence is not encouraged in the manifesto, it is not necessarily encouraged against. Our members are not given the how to achieve our goals, they are simply given the goals and why they need to be achieved. The method is up to the member. The Saints simply abide by one motto: We live for the people. We die for the people. We are for us. For no one else.

I came up with that one myself. 

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