Foreigner arrival

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"With the power I yield, with the spirits in my hand, and with my mighty staff, I will summon thee! Raise now in the name of the elements and be one with the nature! Be one with the air, with the trees, and with fire, be one with me! As I shall grant the luckiest ones with a quick, but fatal blow; and a slow and painful one to the least fortunate. Raise now! Now I shall call!... Uhh... What was it's name?"

I checked again in the paper I was holding. I wrote it around five minutes before and I was trying to memorize it, but apparently I'm not good with theater and scripts. I was supposed to call "Shreathor" to me, but I just couldn't remember. It was a long name. And the worst thing of all: the convention was starting soon and I wasn't ready

"Fuck, maybe I'll just improvise the lines"

I looked up my head, through the mirror.

"Where is my hat?"

Lyna watched me with her green eyes in silence as I was moving away all the blankets from my bed and throwing them to the floor in a hurry, to then getting out of the room and look in the bathroom, and the kitchen.

"Where the hell is it?"

I came back to the room, Lyna was still there. Immobile. Her eyes were the only thing that was moving. She yawned and didn't answered to my rhetorical question.

"You don't know, do you? I wouldn't like to know that you decided to play with it, or something like that."

Her black fur was lightly shining with a yellow-pale reflection from the lamp of her side. She enjoyed to stay on top of the desk when I was in the room and watch everything. It was warm, and she always liked warm things. She probably didn't know about the hat, so I decided to look under the bed. There was my controller, and some chips that I didn't finish. I made a mental note to clean the room (soon), grabbed the controller and threw it on the bed. Went down again, looked to the left and... It was there. White and grey hat. Handmade to look like a Gandalf-ish style (the White). But apparently the lady from the store said that I could make some modifications so it looked more like the thing I was thinking about. Which was an even more exaggerated concept. And I really expected it to work.
Well, it didn't. The hat was a mess and I had to get rid of the cloth that I was trying to glue to the cone. At the moment it looked more like a Lincoln hat in grey with a big base than a real hat. Horrible. And the worst part is that I used a super strong glue because I got very confident to even care about mistakes and ended up well, not good. My robes weren't that bad, though. I used my aunt's old dress that she was very kind to send to me; of course I didn't tell her that I was going to use it as a costume. But she was fine (and confused) with me using it. The dress was horrible in every way for a real event or dinner. It really looked like wizard's robes.

I grabbed some scissors from the desk and started to cut the top of the hat to separate the original from my failed art. I was not successful and part of the hat went off. I was terrified, and the hat was ruined. Lyna was still looking. I imagined she was disappointed with my cutting skills. And she probably wasn't wrong.

"What the hell am I gonna do now!? I won't look like a fucking wizard without the hat!"

I stood up and looked at the computer's clock. I was late. And even later if I tried to fix the damn hat or even go to the store. It was no do. I hated to imagine missing the opening event, or loosing my opportunity to take a picture of the real quality cosplays in the convention. I had to take the risk. And if I was lucky, people would think I was some kind of new-styled wizard... Without a hat.
Ah who cares... At least I look disguised, and a costume is the only thing needed to get the entrance. Also I had my staff which also didn't looked that bad, a wig with white hair, and a fake beard. Maybe I could just throw some dramatic words and make up some spells so it looks more realistic.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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