A story thing (1/???)

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I wanna sharpen my writing skills because I feel like I haven't written in forever.
I truly enjoy writing x readers, but I've always felt so countered when writing. I knew nothing about one of the main characters, which is you, and so it limited me to a wider outcome in my stories.

So, dearest person reading this, I must warn your eyes. For this is not about you, but two other characters instead my brain has just created.

Two childhood lovers.

One is playful, funny and relaxed and the other being more stern and tall.

Yes, I used tall to describe someone. Shoot me.


'Alright. But did you really bargain with them?' His eyes squinted at the girls ass, getting an, if he must say so himself, intoxicating view.

'Ofcourse I did! I got it for 65. Why, is that too high for you?'


She shook her head while building up anger. No time to squabble over that now, the black old box was connected to the cable. 'Did he look like the type of person that'll scam someone?'

The brunette's face whipped over to his blonde one. Her nose was scrunched up, eyes darting at him accusingly. 'How could I tell. I wouldn't know if anyone wanted to scam me. Say, I could be saving someone's bloody life and the next fucking day they'd walk through my door, fist tightened and ready to scam me, their fake fucking mint condition of a Pulp Fiction, but in that version, Samuel L Jackson's played by a white guy.'

'A spin-off I'd not be too happy about.'

Her voice was clearly from Britain, straight outta London. It's like she came to California with some crumpets In her hands.

'Let's just pray it works.' The blonde piped, trying to get the woman with anger issues to calm down. 'Hell if I know. If it don't, yea, you're the one getting your ass back over to him, gun in yea hand and demanding the old sod gives me back me refund.'

Sometimes he wondered how he could even understand her. I suppose those 9 years of crushing on her really paid off.

'You know.. you could scam someone too..'

Her eyes perked up in interest. Why was he talking about scamming so much? 'No. I couldn't. If I scammed some old geezer, they'd come back with their whole bloody hometown at me neck. You think that'd be good for business? No, mate, it wouldn't be.' She didn't let him answer.

'May, listen' he started another speech. 'If it hasn't come around now, then there's no hope.' May went dead silent and strummed her fingers on the glass desk, mumbling a 'she'll come 'round.'

Michael shook his head and bobbed his head up at the time. He had about 2o minutes before his 'duty' called. And his so called 'duty' was to kill a man for about 700,000. Fun.


May's eyes did not jump at the bell like an alarmed puppy, but Michael's did. 'You handle this one.' She pointed with her thumb to the customer at the door she didn't even need to l0ok at.

'I don't even work here.'

'You do now. For however long they stay for.'

He groaned and squashed on his blue hat, multiple pins dug into the fabric. They were mostly Elton John's most notorious songs. Crocodile Rock, Tiny Dancer, and if you looked hard enough, a badly scratched out Honky Cat was there also. Guess he didn't like that song.


ends off here
If I can get 3 reads I'll make a part 2! Wahoo!

Sound good?

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