beach days

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I woke up and done my usual until Michael comes up to me.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" He sit in front of me on my sunbed and hugs me, I hug him back. I leave it for a second

"What's wrong?" He sniffs

"me nana." I put my head on him

"What's happened?" He speaks into my chest

"She's got four weeks to live." I become shocked and hold him closer

"Oh, Michael."


Michael came over to me and seemed pretty pissed off, I sigh

"What's happened now?" He sighs

"The bloke told me nana she had six months to leave. Not live." I hold my mouth

"Oh God." He smiles a bit

"Anyway, I was about to ask Tiger if he wanted to go to the beach. You wanna come?" I laugh

"Don't have to tell me twice." We go to Tiger he answered pretty quick then we head off

"This is more like it!" We stroll along the beach, I'm hand in hand with Michael then Tiger stops us looking at a girl

"No, my friend, that is more like it." He points at the girl, I roll my eyes then we walk over, she looks at us

"Hola! Pedalo for you today?" Tiger looks down at her

"Any freebies going?" She shakes her head a bit

"No, sorry." He points at a leaflet

"And what about the pedalos?" My eyes go wide, I mumble

"Fuckin idiot." Tiger laughs then carries on

"Listen, we'd love to hire a pedalo, but my mate, he's scared of water. He can't swim." Michael has a go

"I can swim..." tiger elbows him

"Hey!" I call then Tiger carry's on

"And, well, he's a bit nervous. Maybe if you could join us? You know, safety in number?" Michael adds

"I'm not nervous." Tiger shoots and look at him I make a face back knowing he can see me,Tiger chuckles

"He always says that when he's nervous." She smiles

"Wait here." Michael sighs

"Why did you say that for?" Tiger adds

"Don't screen this up, Mikey. I know what I'm doing." She comes out with life-jackets

"Well, if you have someone who cannot swim, I should come with you. Mmm-hmm." She walks off to the pedalos then Tiger punches Michael, he takes his hand away to rub it

"What did I tell you?" We walk over, he let's go of his hand and takes my hand again.

We get out life-jackets on apart from Tiger and the boys starts to peddle out while me and Elena are at the back

"Tiger, you need to wear your life vest." He ignores her and looks at Michael

"Come on, let's get this bitch steaming!" He laugh and turns to Elena

"Oh, I don't mean you. I mean the pedalo." Michael looks at him

"Look, if Elena says you should wear your life vest, you should wear it." Tiger looks at us and talks to Elena

"Aw, listen to him. I told you he gets nervous around water." Michael sticks up for him

"I'm not nervous. I am just saying if we're going Dar out then I think you should put it on." Elena sorts out the vest and Tiger goes into Michael

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