Chapter Two- Emmah

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"And... We're done! Take a look!" Caerin, my roommate, spun the swivel chair around to the mirror. I almost didn't recognize the person staring back at me. I had on too much makeup, and my normally unruly hair was pulled back into an overly-formal twisted bun. My outfit was so weird, I couldn't even describe it. Luckily, I didn't have to.

"This weird neckline is making me cringe," one of my other roommates, Blaise, complained while messing with the long matching skirt.

"Ugh, It's even worse than last years," Kelsiegh, my senior roommate said as she put Blaise's hair up in the exact same fashion. Caerin groaned.

"Remember the awful holographic print? You couldn't even tell it was a dress."

"It's so dumb. She wants our school to look futuristic, but she doesn't understand that 2000nds fashion is coming back," Kelsiegh added. Blaise just smiled.

"I would kill to wear a hoodie right now" She made her finger run down her face like a single tear.

"I wonder how bad the guy's outfits are," I wondered aloud.

"Here, I'll ask Zak and Zaen to send a picture," Caerin typed something onto her DigiWatch.

"Who and Who?" I asked, feeling kinda dumb.

"Oh, they're just my friends from... Speeder Club. They're both seniors."

I just nodded my head. I felt like I didn't know anyone here. I mean, it was only my first day, after all. I heard the little bzzt coming from Caerin's DigiWatch. She looked at it for a few seconds, and smiled.

"Here, I'll hook it up to the TeleScreen," She pressed a few buttons, and a picture appeared on the screen above the electronic fireplace. In it were four boys, all of various heights. They were all wearing a "men's version" of our uniforms. The crest neckline was the same, but they were wearing pants instead of the obnoxious billowy skirts we had to wear. The tall one in the corner had something covering his neck.

"Which one's which?" I asked. Caerin pointed to the screen.

"The tall one with the buzzcut is Zak, who just got back from Insee training. God, he's lost so much hair," She mumbled the last part. I shifted in my chair uncomfortably. I know firsthand how Insee hardens people; it happened to my uncle Evan. I observed Zak's face: his angular jaw and muscular features, and just hoped he hadn't hardened up too.

"The one holding a Guzzle is Zaen, and the one holding the e-reader is Ahron. I'm pretty sure he's a Junior." Kelsiegh added while Caerin went back to texting Zak, or maybe it was Zaen.

"Who's the person in the corner?" Blaise asked.

"I have no idea. I've honestly never seen him before. Have you Kels?"

"Nope," Kelsiegh shrugged.

"Here, I'll ask Zaen." Caerin typed something onto her watch. A few seconds later... Bzzt!

"Hmm. He said that his name is Taylor Ravinger? No, it was Ravinson. Anyway, he's a transfer student from Messis. Zaen says, and I quote, 'He likes Guzzle. I think I have found a new best friend'."

"Guzzle? Ugh, that stuff is nasty," Blaise wrinkled her nose.

"And Zaen is addicted to that crap," Caerin rolled her eyes.

"Ironically, it isn't very good for someone's liver, especially his," Kelsiegh shook her head. It must have been some kind of an inside joke because Caerin started laughing and fluttering her 4 foot long wings. It kind of startled me; I was still getting used to the fact that she is an Angell.

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