Chapter 3- Caerin

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"What's going on here?" I turn around from my normal conversation with Kelsiegh to see Zak yelling at this freshman I've never seen before, and Emmah running away crying.

"I have no idea, but it's definitely not good." Zaen turned around, holding his ever-present can of Guzzle. I rolled my eyes. I guess this is what I get for being friends with guys.

"What'd you do now, Zaen?"

"Hey! I actually didn't do anything this time! Why do you always blame me?" I rolled my eyes again.

"Okay, well... What happened?"

"I guess some kid from Emmah's old school started being bitchy to her or something. She got Zak worked up, that's for sure!"

"Zak?! What about Emmah? I gotta go find her..." I start to leave, but Ahron gets my attention.

"Hey! I'm coming with you! I think I saw where she we-"

"Look, nothing personal, but I think it should just be me... She needs some girl talk. Plus, you need to stay behind to calm Zak down, before he gets detention." I motioned to Zak, still yelling at the bullies.

"Oh okay..." I didn't stay long enough to hear the rest; I was already gone, halfway in the air. It only took three or four flaps of my wings to propel me upward, and out of the auditorium into the high-ceilinged hallways. I scanned the hallways below, but there was no sign of Emmah.

Suddenly, I bumped into another airborne student. We both spiraled to the ground, the world a colorful blur.

"Hey! Watch where you're going freshm- oh, hey Brookes!" I look up to see none other than Brandon Wesley on the floor next to me.

Brandon was another Angell that, unfortunately, was in my class. He takes every chance he can get to tell everyone his political opinion, whether they like it or not. Especially me, ever since we were partnered up last year for an essay project.

"Really, Brandon? I think you should watch where you're going." I stood up to take off, but he grabbed my hand.

"Um, Caerin? Can I ask you something?" He looked up at me with this pathetic smile on my face that only annoyed me more.

"Not right now, Brandon," I left without another word. Normally, I would've felt kind of bad for being rude to him like that, but that day I didn't care. I only had one thing on my mind: Emmah. I know I'd only spent a day and a half with her, but I felt personally responsible for anything that happens to her.

After ten more minutes of searching, I found Emmah in the tech wing, crying behind a giant vase. She was hunched over, her face in her hands. Her unruly hair was falling out of the bun.

"Emmah, what happened?" I sat down next to her, putting my wing behind her.

"Caerin... just leave me alone."

"No, really. I wanna know what happened. I didn't realize anything was happening until I turned around and saw you running out of the auditorium. I just want to help..." She lifted her head, and looked at me, makeup streaming down her face.

"If... you really... want to know..." She began, speaking between sobs. "That girl... the one with the... perfectly streaked hair, and... the perfectly tanned face... she used to go to my old school... She would make fun of me every day... about my hair... or my clothes... mostly my family, or our farm. At one point... she... she ganged up with my crush... he broke my heart and she got it... on video and posted it... and the whole school saw. That's why... I took this scholarship. But... she came here... and showed all you guys the video." Emmah began to uncontrollably sob now.

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