Mesmerizing apology

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Staring at you I
Memorize your profile
Doodling your face
Engraved in the back of my lids
The tip of my pen
It's so perfect.
The curve of your forehead to the dip
Where your deep caramel eyes lay
Your smile lines that sit waiting
For their time to shine
Your nose, rounded like a ball
Sitting perfectly adorable above
The Cupid's bow of your lips
The ones I want to kiss
So soft and candy
Freckles scattered across my favorite face
Your eyes not matching, one slightly
Sadder than the other and tipped
But shining just as bright
The smile that restarts my heart
The eyes brows that crawl to a halt
Moving only when you wink
When you squint and shake your head
I memorize my favorite subject
The beautiful face
The one I love
With the tip of my pen

To you, from meWhere stories live. Discover now