Chapter 10

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Athena stood at the gate of Jacob's mansion like house. It was nine pm and she knew he would be home if he didn't e have much work. The security stopped her and she said, 'I want yo meet Mr. Harrison. Tell him it's Athena.' she said.

Immedietly she was let in. She walked into the living room slowly. It was only the two of them. He was standing there with his back towards her. 'Jacob.' she called out and he turned around. He looked at her and it felt like he was drinking in her presence. His gaze so intense that it made her blush. 'What brings you here, Athena?' He asked her. 'You did the merger.' she said to him. 'It was professional was all he said. 'You could have cancelled it.'

'I did not want to.' was all he  said. The silence between them was killing her from inside. 'Why did you do it? All of it? Why did you lie to me?' she asked him in a desperate voice.

At this his expression changed and he closed his eyes like this question had hurt him. 'In high school, I always saw you, the girl sitting in a corner, having fun with her friends, the one who never showed off, was always kind and had a killer smile on her face. I never knew who you were but was always looking at you. But i was the spoiled, careless brat back then. Even after that. When I met you again at the party you took my breath away and when I came to know that you were the heiress of Williams I was shocked because you were so diffrent from all thees other girls I had met and seen. Then I recognised you from highschool. I kept looking for you and found out about your awesome paintings, awesome vlogs, your vibrant personality and actually that was the point when I went from liking you to falling for  you. When dad suggested marriage with you I was actually happy and really wanted to meet you but that day when I entered the restaurant I saw your face and I realised that you were not....... So I left and did all this. All I really wanted was to get to know you on a personal level and make you see me in a diffrent light so I became Jeremy and rented that apartment and all that apps glitching and news not appearing was me be ause I didn't want you to know about me. I know what I did was wrong but the more time I started spending with you my love just kept getting deeper and stronger and only grew. I was afraid of losing you. I was not myself sure how I was going to tell you the truth but I...... Well ultimately you found about it and now.... ' He became silent.

'You still went on with the merger?' j asked him. 'It was on a professional level and I know that the whole world including your dad thinks I am ruthless and practical and maybe I am because it's money but I am not egoistic especially about you. If I was I would cancelled the merger and given your company a hard time but I don't want to, because I am no longer like that and I love you. I became Jeremy to tell you that I am no longer the lazy, irresponsible, egoistic, imaature brat I used to be. I just wanted to change my impression in front of you. But I should have not lied. I was wrong. I never wanted to hurt you but I did.' He said. Athena thoght shevsaw a tear in his eye. He just said,'Besides that Williams and Co. Is a good company to collaborate with. I look forward  to everything Miss Williams.' jacob said and looked down when suddenly he was pulled forward and felt athena's lips on his.

Jacob's pov

I was in heaven, though initially taken bt surprise I wrapped my arms around her and continued kissing my love. These two weeks were hell for me. Beyond it actually. I thought I had lost her. This kiss reminded me of our first kiss where we were both out of breath. She looked at me after that and I could see she had turned a bright red. All she said looking up at me was, 'No more secrets, Jacob.' I just pulled her in my arms again.

Third person's pov

The Makeout session was now intense and Jacob carried Athena to his room and laid her down on the bed. 'Athena, will you become mine?' was all Jacob whispered to which she just nodded. That was all it took for him.

He climed on top and took his shirt off and pulled her dress straps and zipper down. That night was full of passion and love for the two of them.

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