They find me...?

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Hi, I'm (y/n) I live in a world called "best world ever!" Yeah...Most ideal world is living where monsters are EVERYWHERE, Make a sound...face death...Make no in death. I lost my family a long time ago. They died because of a car accident, I was the only one who survived. I didn't stay in the car waiting for a "life saver" or an ambulance. I ran as far as I could possibly run. I was scared and afraid I didn't want to go to an foster home or orphanage. I used to have 2 brothers, Dylan and Andy. Dylan was 15 and Andy was 12. They died due to the loud. I was now a loner. I was starving and as pale as the color white but I couldn't do anything. The monster that is lurking is making my life worse and worse each day, I don't even know sign language! I wish I did..Because one time I found someone..they seemed off so I walked slowly away but they were doing sign language and had a beard...they looked like they were surviving well, but they could use a shower or two. I wish I didn't run because I saw in the back...he had a family. He had a Wife, 2 sons, and 1 daughter. They didn't seem off but I was scared. Seeing people for the first time in 42 days was crazy for me! Though I ran away from them..He seemed like he wanted to help but I was to afraid to even go to him! I hate my life.

Today was 130. I have passed out 2 times due to the lack of food. I found a house worth staying in so I decided to stay and wait for something to happen, but little did I know I was waiting for nothing...nothing at all. I think I should go out today. Maybe go find a loud waterfall so I can make noise for once...I haven't talked in 130 days. Not even made a little noise. Today I was going to, I'm going to find a waterfall, maybe even find people! Who knows what I'll find.

~Time skip~

I was sitting by the waterfall watching the clear blue water go down the cliff. It was so beautiful. Hey, Maybe my life isn't that bad. I hear a noise in the back...What is that? I run to a bush and hide behind it. What if it's the monster? I see a man and a son. They look familiar, but I cat recall all the way. I come out of the bush and go to the waterfall once again. I sit down on the edge of the cliff and keep my head looking at my feet. I was trying to avoid eye contact because I knew they could see me. I noticed they were by the river getting the fish out of the fish Cacher. That's why they looked nicely fed when I last saw them! I recognized them now. I saw them in woods a long time ago.. Then I looked at the boy. He looked quite cute but I don't even know him. He could be mean for all I know. He had curly brown hair and brown eyes to compliment his hair. I looked at his dad or uncle I'm not so sure yet. He had greenish, blue eyes and brown hair and a nicely groomed beard. I noticed that the son looked at me and pointed at me to his dad. Oh Shoot. They started to come towards me and I started to panic. I stayed there and pretended that I didn't see them. As they started to get closer, I started to panic more. Why is cute boy and a stranger coming up to me! I started to slowly get up because of my panic, but I felt a hand go on my shoulder to stop me. I turned around and there he was. The man and the son. The man started to do sign language but I think he noticed I didn't understand. I got up and started to run away. I don't know why at all. My brain told me to so I
listened to it. I looked around and The man started to run after me and so did the son. I started to panic because the man started catching up to me. Tears started to stream down my face as I started to panic. I got whipped around and there he was. The man put his finger to his mouth to tell me to shh. I looked around and got my plan. I tried to dart away but he got me again. I looked at his son and we made full eye contact...Awkward. The man started to do more sign language that made no sense at all. He pointed to his son so I guessed he was introducing there selves? His son started to turn back and so did the man. I just stood there watching them walk away. The man turned around and put his hand out telling me to come with them. Should I go? Should I run away? Should I stand here like a wimp? I decided to make the best decision...Go with them. This is where my story begins (well your story)

   I noticed while we where walking they live evidently close to the waterfall. Lucky them. They even have a house...well more of a barn really. I saw a lady come out of the house. She was very beautiful. Her brown short curly hair was so pretty. She noticed me right away and started to do sign language I didn't understand. I noticed right away she was deaf. I could tell it right away even though we live in a world where you have to be quite. I turned to the son and looked at him with puzzled eyes...He understands me easily and knew I was confused. He came up to me with his curly hair bouncing up and down. He put his hand out in front of me. I grabbed it. He started to run into the house with me to show everything. He showed me the bathroom, Kitchen, living room, parents room, sisters room, and his room. He started to look at me. He pointed to his bed. I think he wants me to sleep in it? He suddenly ran out and came right back in but had a paper and a pen. He started to write on the piece of paper. He wrote "This is the last bedroom, so you need to sleep in my room." I looked at him and nodded. I say on his bed and started to turn paler then I ever have. The son noticed so he ran to me. I started to look around and things were getting all gray and moving in slow motion. The last thing I saw was a door open. Then I passed out.

  I woke up in a room but no lighting anywhere. I saw a man, Woman, daughter and a son. The woman held up a paper in front of me. It said " I'm Evelyn, The man is Lee, The girl is my daughter Regan, and that's my son Marcus." I read it and looked at everybody. I blinked a few times and closed my eyes. I was turning so tired. I looked around for the last time and fell asleep. In the morning I heard a bit of walking but of course not to loud. I was in a different room now and I think it was Marcus's bed. I looked over to examine his room. It was very nice. I got up and started to walk to the door. I was kinda wobbly when walking...i don't know why. I made it to the door and was starting to walk out. Then I ran in to Marcus right there! We both fell down and hit our heads on the floor. Loud Noise...

   Marcus got up and grabbed my hand. He pushed me in his room and shut the door. We knew what was about to arrive. I wanted to cry because I was scared. Was the creature going to get us? Are we going to die? Then there it was. I heard the footsteps going down the hallway. Marcus looked at me and knew I was going to cry. He put his hand over my
mouth. I looked at him with my eyes that were filling with tears. When would I stop being so pathetic? When there were no signs that the creature was here, Marcus let go of my mouth and went to check on his family. I stayed still, standing there, Crying.

  Ok...How did you like it? Please vote and tell me what you think about it! I'll do more parts but only if I get over 10 views on this because making a story for no body is lame. I'll make 2 parts each day in spare time :) thanks 

Word Counter: 1527
-Sincerely the author of this story :3

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