?I want to die?

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  I walked around the house on day 346. I got used to the house more and more each day. My favorite person in the house was Regan. She taught me sign language and she's very kind to me. Something was missing to me. I'm not sure what but I know there is. I never feel comfortable around Marcus. He is nice but it was awkward around him. When he tried to use sign language to me I walked away. He's used to it now, so he doesn't go around me that much. I know he wants to but...I don't. Today I was going to go see Regan. She made me feel safe and make me feel like nothing was missing...but there was. I was about to knock on her door but I remembered I can't. I just saved myself. I walked in and she was just sitting on her bed, like normal. She looked at me and signed "Whats up?" I sat on her bed looking in her eyes thinking about what to tell her. "I Feel Like Something is Off..." I signed to her. She sat up more stiff and looked at me again. " Like what..?" Regan signed to me. "I don't know." I signed back to her. I stood up and signed, "Dinner is about to start...Can I sit next to you?" "I'm sitting by My mom today, you can sit right next my left side." She replied with sign language. "ok.." I signed. I started to walk down the hall to the stair case to go to the dining room. I started remembering Marcus is going to sit by me if I sit by Regan. Should I ditch her and sit by Lee? No..No I shouldn't.  I saw Regan behind me coming up to me. I turned around and smiled at her. As soon as I turned around I tripped on a step. There goes my bad luck...As soon as I started falling Regan started running after me and Marcus was at the end of the stair case waiting to catch me. I wanted to scream because I was scared. As soon as I was sure I was dead I felt someone catch me. Marcus.  

  Lee and Evelyn came running to me an Marcus because all of them witnessed me falling. I looked up and saw Marcus's face right in front of mine. I noticed his face went all pink. I pushed him away from me but not to hard because I didn't want to offend him. I signed to him "Thanks Marcus." "No problem, be careful please." He signed back. "Are are  okay?" Evelyn signed to me. "I'm fine, Let's just eat dinner...." I signed to her. We all started walking to the dining table. I took my seat next to Regan...and Marcus... Regan looked at me and started to rub my back. The most "comforting thing ever"....to me. I took the cooked fish off the plate and handed it to Regan. We all passed around food to everyone and starting saying our prayer...in our mind of course.

It was after dinner and Lee and Evelyn were cleaning the kitchen. Me, Regan, and Marcus we're playing a board game I made up. We got pieces from the outside. We had a lamp next to us for the light so we can see the game better. "I'm going to win" signed Marcus. "In your dream Marcus" I signed back. Regan looked at me and Marcus. She got a good deal on a spot on the game board. She reached over and CRASH- there went the light with fire. The fire started to spread across the floor and Lee came running over. He got a towel and set it out. We all starting looking around because we knew it would come. It was a couple of Minutes later of looking around, nothing was here...We were all thankful, I signed to them I was going to sleep now, Marcus Signed, " I'll be coming to, wait up!" I nodded my head as I watched Regan Stand up and walk towards the stairs. Me and Marcus started to walk up the stairs together, which was very awkward...We reach the bed room and I head off to the bed. I jump on the bed and Marcus Signs he will go ahead and go to sleep. He lays down on the floor and heads to sleep. I get under the covers and stare at the ceiling. I start Crying softly. I wipe my tears away as fast as possible. Monster Might Hear or Worse Marcus might...I start to close my eyes and drift away into a dark deep sleep.  

Words: 788 
Thank you so much for reading part 2! Sorry to keep y'all waiting for part two, I've been having issues since the covid-19 shit. I'll be making a new story starting today and I'll go ahead and start part 3. Thank you again!

|My life| Marcus Abbott x Reader~ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang