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(Note; This takes place in the s2 ep8)

Keith opened his eyes. He was on the cold floor in the headquarters of the blade of Marmora. He saw Lance next to him, holding a hand out for the boy.

"But- How did you get here??" He asked, confused
"That doesn't matter, just take my hand." He answered
Keith took his hand and Lance pulled him up. When Keith was back on his own feet, Lance grabbed him and hugged him as tight as possible. Keith was in shock. He couldn't believe this.

After Lance pulled away from their hug, he spoke:
"Why don't you give that blade to them so we can go back?"
Keith looked at him and said:
"No. I can't do that."
"What is it with you and that thing?"
Lance spat back at him
"It's the only connection I have to my past. It's my chance to learn who I really am." Keith explained.
"You know exactly who you are. A Paladin of Voltron. We're all the family you need." Lance said, annoyed at the boy
Keith looked at him, upset.
"Lance, you're importnant to me... but I have to do this."
"No, you don't. So just give them the knife."
"I can't do that."
"Just give up the knife, Keith! You're only thinking of yourself, as usual!"
Keiths eyes widen, and he looks away.
"I've made my choise."
"Then you've chosen to be alone."
Lance started to walk away as Keith looks down at the knife, then back at the retreating figure of Lance.
"Lance! Wait!" He yelled.

~A time skip to the castle~
(cause the author is lazy af)

Shiro had told Keith what had happened, and he was kinda embarrased about it, even though Shiro promised not to tell anybody. Keith looked at Lance, Who was flirting with the princess again. Neither the Princess or Lance had spoken to him after he and Shiro came back.

"Hey Keith... I think we need to talk about what happened there a bit more." Said Shiro, waking Keith up from his little daydream.
"What? Oh umh... Okay..." He responded before walking out of the control room, into the hallway.

"You need to remember, you can tell me anything. I am always here for you." Whispered Shiro. Keith sighed and looked up at him.
"As you May have figured out... Yes, i do like him..." He responded, quietly.
"I... I didn't know... It must be hard to look at him while, well, you know what."
"Yeah, it is... I wish he like me back..."
Shiro looked past Keith.
"Wait..." He whispered, with a lower voice now.
Lance stepped into the hallway and looked at them
"Whatcha gossiping about?" He said, jokingly. Keith blushed a little and looked the other way.
"Nothing importnant." he said, still looking away
"Oh c'mon, i can see you blushing~ Who were you talking about? I promise i won't tell anybody if you just tell me~" Lance said, with a flirty tone, just to annoy Keith.
Keith looked at him, embarrased but trying to maintain a straight face.
"It's not your business. Now, if you excuse me, i will be going to my bedroom." He said before walking away fastly, almost running. Lance looked at him, annoyed.

"I heard what they were talking about." Said Pidge, walking towards Shiro and Lance.
"You did? Tell me! What were they talking about?!" Yelled Lance, but he was cut off by Shiro.
"He doesn't want you to know. Pidge, you must promise not to tell anybody." He strictly said. Pidge looked at him and nodded.
"Oh c'mon!" Yelled Lance, annoyed. He stormed off into the dirrection of his own room, leaving Pidge and Shiro standing there.

Why can't they just tell me, it's not like Keith could possibly find out... Lance thought, wishing they would stop hiding these secrets from him. After a series of nothing coming to mind on what to do, he went to the pool out of boredom. This time, the pool was actually accessible, and not on the roof.
Meanwhile, Keith was thinking the same exact thing. He was going to go to the pool, too. He took his clothes off and put on his swimming short and headed to the pool.

~At the pool:~

Keith was sitting in the steaming hot water, relaxed. It was all quiet, untill he heard the elevator doors open. He looked up to see Lance walking towards him.
"What are you doing here?" Lance asked him.
"I suppose same as you. I came here to relax" he responded. Lance looked at him, laughed and told him that he came here just because he was bored. They laughed a bit and Lance sat infront of Keith. They were staring at eachother's eyes. Keith could feel all his pain float away like it was never there.
There was an akward silence between the two of them, so Lance decided to speak.
"So uh... What were you and Shiro talking about that i wasn't allowed to hear?" he asked. Keith thought for a moment wheter to tell the truth or lie. After all, some day he would have to tell him anyways, so why not tell him right away? He was nervous, but he made the decision to not tell him.
"Oh... It was nothing..." Keith said with a nervous tone in his voice.
"We were just talking about uh..." he continued. He didn't know how to finish that sentence.
"About what? Keith, i know we're 'rivals', but you can trust me... We're like brothers now." he exclaimed. Keith looked away from Lance. He didn't want to be his brother, he wanted to be his lover. He wanted to be able to kiss him and hold him tight. To snuggle and stay up past three am with him.
"Keith?" he heard the other boy say. This made him snap back to reality and take a look at Lance's eyes. His dark blue eyes were glowing at the weak light, and Keith couldn't help but blush. Lance was confused untill he realized what was happening. Keith had a soft smile on his face.

It can't be it, can it? I mean, is it possible that Keith likes me? Lance thought. While Lance was busy with his thoughts, Keith had came to sit next to him. Of course he wasn't ready to confess, but he wanted to form a better relationship between them.
"Keith, you didn't answer my question." He said. Keith gave him a smile and closed his eyes.
"I was talking about a certain person. You see, i might have a crush on them." he said, smiling.

Lance was confused.
Wait, does he like Allura? Or... No. It can't be... Does he like Shiro?! He thought, again. He clearly didn't seem to understand what was going on, but he was sure, that it would be Allura or Shiro. Lance was furious. He didn't know why... He felt... Jealous...
"U-um, Lance? Are you alright? You seem... A bit mad?" Keith said with a worried tone. This made him jump a bit.
"W-what? I-i uhh..." he stuttered, which made Keith giggle. Lance blushed at the sight of half-naked laughing Keith.

Why does this boy have to be so...cute... What are you doing to me, Keith Kogaine?

Ah, my fingers hurt so much from writing this.
Anyways, did you like this? This was my first time writing Klance or even Voltron, so how did i do? Also, Thank you so much for reading!

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