it's frustrating ( a little rant )

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My parents live in different houses. When I'm with my dad, I'm the only girl in the house. I have two brothers and they are a handful. Nobody in the house can understand me, really. I can't talk to them about it. When I'm on my period, for example, I get really tired and lightheaded from blood loss but I can't tell anyone it's my period. I can't tell anyone I'm sick either or else they'll think I have coronavirus. I try to keep up with chores and everything when I'm on my period but sometimes I just can't. My dad and brothers yell at me when I can't do as much as everyone else but I can't tell them why. It's really annoying.

I'm also the only introvert in my entire family. My family doesn't understand why I need so much time to myself. I try to tell them that spending time alone is how I gain energy and that spending too much time with other people drains me. I can tell that my dad is trying to come around to it, although he still doesn't understand. My family usually mistakes me being an introvert as me being lazy.

I am the oldest person of my generation. All my cousins, family friends, second cousins, etc. are younger than me. The next closest age to me is 11. The youngest of my parents generation, my moms cousin (who we don't see much) is 23, that's not that much older than me. I'm often expected to play tag, family, star wars, and dress up with my cousins but obviously I don't want to do that. I try to play with them in a babysitting sort of way sometimes but I don't want to all the time. I see my cousins often so playing gets very tiring. There's not much to do when I'm with them so I often pull out my phone. Then my parents get mad at me for doing that and say "go play with your cousins".

Since I'm the oldest, my parents sometimes don't realize that someone my age sleeps in. I sleep in until 10:30 however many of my friends sleep in until 2. I am a "night owl" as people call it, meaning I sleep late and wake up late. Everyone else in my family is the opposite. They wake up early (a startling 6:30) and sleep earlier.

So when I'm on my period and I sleep in at my dad's house (which doesn't happen super often thank god), chaos erupts.

Everyone else does chores earlier in the morning, when I'm asleep. I make breakfast at about 11 and have lunch at about 12:30. There's not much space in between, as I am a slow eater. I do a little bit of chores in that time period and do other things ( like wattpad or playing with my brothers ). Then my dad comes while I'm eating lunch and yells at me for not doing chores. Ok, yes I haven't done as much as everyone else but that's only because I've been up for 2 hours instead of 6. I try to tell him I do chores and use yesterday as an example but then he thinks I'm making excuses to avoid doing chores. I try to tell him I'll do them later but he still thinks I'm being lazy. He thinks I do less work than anyone. Sure, I have today because I woke up later but I will do them later. Can he not understand that? I was on my period and felt tired and lightheaded and all I wanted to do was lie down and have time alone. But I can't do that because people will yell at me for being lazy. I can't do everything in an hour, especially when I feel like I'm going to collapse.

Stupid chores.

Stupid period.

Why did I need to wake up late? I can't not wake up late because I know my body is telling me to sleep. I need to sleep. So don't yell at me for it.

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