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a  red-brownish door opened letting the smiley face of Alastor greet whoever was knocking so fiercely at such a late hour
<Husk? What's wrong?>
Said Alastor opening the door wider to his panting friend before putting away the knife that he had hidden behind his back and giving his friend a worried look
<...Al...I -The ... S-she...i-it...>
Said a breathless husker pointing at himself then at the road then a loud grunts left his lips before he starts coughing from lack of air in his lungs
<Come inside my dear friend..>
Alastor  went behind  his friend, put a hand over his shoulder  guiding him inside the house and as greets him in Husk was trying to get some air back in his lungs
<I will bring you a cup of water> 
A grunt escaped husk's mouth again as he throws himself in his friend's couch.
<Water than booze.>
Added Alastor  before disappearing to probably the kitchen and coming back with a cup of freshwater in a hand and an opened bottle of beer in the other within a few seconds
Husk took the bottle of beer and swing it down directly making Alastor sigh in disbelief of his friend.
-A few minutes of storytelling from Husk to Alastor about that sudden encounter he had giving every detail including the kiss on the forehead one-
<Took you time to notice>
Said a really calm Alastor sipping of the coffee that he had made before a creeped out Husk breaks in his house.
<WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me if you knew?>
Cried Husk clearly angry 
<Smile my dear you know you're never fully dressed without one>
Alastor sipped again from his coffee and gave his friend a look that calmed him  instantly
<Also, even if i told you, you wouldn't believe.. you don't believe in ghost ... at least you didn't.. Heh Ghosts...> 
<...Ghosts are really something you know? And this one seems to like you>
Added Alastor with his go-happy smile before putting his empty cup of the table
<...Fuck you Al..>
Grunted Husk before adding
 <I don't want a babe (women) whom  gams(legs) don't touch the floor in my  house ya follow?>

Alastor's smile changed to a smirk at his friend's phrase, he wanted her out as it seems..
Husk was acting from human-instincts after all like any other human would do at this point yet he didn't know how powerful an unbalanced creature as a ghost can be, a creature that can neither go to heaven nor hell, holy water had no effect on them nor did the bible as for a ghost can laugh at your face if you showed him a bible as they know more suffering than what's waiting for them in hell if they were supposed to be going to hell at the first place.
<it can be Hotsy-Totsy(Pleasing)  somehow can't it?>
He said with a creepy tone before he stands up with his hands behind his  back
no response from  Husk to Alastor's remarque
<What if ... she's stuck on you (having a crush)?>
Husk looked at him with wide eyes he can't be real either Al lost his mind or he's playing tricks on him a ghost can't be in love with a human and husk only wanted her out of his house dealing with a cannibalistic serial killer as a best-friend and a lot of nightmares is enough he didn't need a loving specter...not for now maybe when he dies.
<Stay here my dear I will take care of this kitten(women-or kitten as u wish <w<-) try not to Kick off(die).>
Said Alastor before getting dressed up, fancy as usual, and leave his friend in his house.  destination?  
A Deal with a Demon

Vanilla Perfume(Completed/To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now