Chapter Four

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Jonathan left the library after talking to the librarian more, she showed him a dew old news articles about a few murders that occured in, or around the Hamilton Hotel, but he had connections in the local police department and the DA, so he could get the inside scoop on this. It seemed that he was gonna that good, heart pounding, bestselling story after all. Jonathan decided to phone his boss, Harvey McDerm the chief editor of the New York Times. Him and Jonathan had devloped an almost friendship over the four years that Jonathan had been working with the paper as a full fleged journalsit. But this year had been dry, both in events and happenings and in Jonathan's writing, and McDerm didn't blame Jonthan but still he couldn't keep a journalist on who wasn't writing selling stories that would captivate an audience. But Jonathan believed he had the perfect story to get him back to still seas and ahppy sailing. The Hamilton Hotel was, at one time, one of the most profound hotels in all of New York City, but after awhile other hotels stole the spot light and the Hamilton slowly but surely sank into decay. But perhaps his article would bring more business to the Hamilton.

That or end any chance it had of coming out of their downwad spiral. Jonathan thought as he retrieved his cell phone from his pocket and dialed his boss's number. Several taxis lumbered by and Jonathan successfully flagged down one as his boss answered the phone.

"New York Times, Harvey McDerm speaking."

"Hey cheif, it's Jonathan."

"Oh! Jonathan! Any luck getting a good story going kiddo?" Harvey asked, his voice had that sound that only people who are holding a cigar in their mouth have.

"Yeah I did boss, hold on a sec. Yeah, police station please. Anyways boss, yeah I got the-" Jonathan started to say but McDerm inturrupted him.

"The police station? Jonathan what's going on? You talkin to someone else?" McDerm said, his voice harsh and it was as if he was holding a stick in his mouth.

"I'm on the way to the police station to see a contact boss. It's about the new story." Jonatha said reassuringly.

"Oh okay. So the story sonny, hit me with it." McDerm said a squeacking noise came through on the line, and it was a sound Jonathan knew well. He could see McDerm sitting there, cigar sticking out of his mouth like pop-eye, leaning back in his office chair, hands behind his head. Jonathan gather his thoughts in record time and began to articulate him story, or rather his idea for a story, to his boss.

Afterwards McDerm remained silent for a few moments, that made Jonathan even more nervous. When he boss liked a story he shouted it out right away, but when he didn't like it he remained silent, as Jonathan suspected, trying to find away to reject with finess. In other words, when the boss was silent after you pitch him a story, he's trying to figure out how to reject your story without totally crushing your self-esteem, though often that was the end result.

"Did ya get the manager's permission to write this one Johnny boy?" McDerm said after his lengthly silence.

"No not yet. I'm heading over to see my contact to see if there is a full story in this or not. I didn't want to ask until I knew for certain that there was a big story in this, which I'm sure there is." Jonathan replied. McDerm had himself a hearty chuckle. He thought the kid was good, damned good. And smart too.

"Alright I see your point sony, well as long as you get his permission, ya got my approval. It really sounds like a spooker." McDerm said, and by his voice (also taking into account the cigar in McDerm's mouth) Jonathan knew he was smiling, which was a very good thing.

Before Jonathan could say, 'Thanks boss.', McDerm hung up the phone. McDerm hated when people thanked him, he was a bit of a hard case in that sense, but he was a good cheif editor, and him doing things his way kept him secure in his position. And Jonathan kind of liked his attitude, it had it's own man's-man-ness to it. And even if Jonathan didn't like McDerm's attitude, what was he supposed to do? Try to change him? Ha. Ha. McDerm wouldn't change, maybe when hell freezes over, but other than that not a chance.

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