The Beginning

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"Hey Mister Stark" I yell the minute the elevator doors slide open. I wait for a response, but I hear nothing, which is strange cause I hear Everything... hmm they must be on a mission. I walk to my room to start my homework, ugh, so I can have the whole weekend to spend with everyone, since may is working again. I tell Friday to alert me when Mr stark calls for me. But that call never came...

' hey FRI, when is Mister Stark and the others going to be back?' I ask looking up slightly for my calculus homework. I'm hungry and I want to know if they will be back for dinner, so I know how much food to cook. ' They have been here the whole time Peter; would you like me to alert boss that you are here' huh... that's odd I stand up and say, ' That's ok Fri I will go find them myself, thank you.'

I walk into the kitchen to what looks like a party in full swing with laughter and chattering. ' Hey guys' I say with caution why approaching tony. ' Hey Peter'... that's odd... ' I thought you were not coming till Friday.'

'uh Mister Stark it is Friday' I say a slight chuckle escapes my lips. ' oh, ok well have you met James, he is my personal intern ' I blink and cock my head to the side like a puppy seeing this he continues ' oh come on peter your to busy with your nightly behaviours and I thought taking some of you load would help. Plus have you seen Underaoos resume its brilliant'

Underoos was my nickname, I can feel tears coming to the surface and before I can blink them away 'oh and kid' tony says turning his back and putting a hand on James shoulder ' can you pack your stuff away, James needs your room indefinitely'

At this I look to the ground and let my tears fall, I can feel the others watching me their eyes seem to be piercing through my skin 'well see ya guys' I say looking up with a smile. Obviously not very believable as they all look guilty. I don't know why; they aren't the ones who don't want me anymore. I turn and let my façade fall along with the tears as I retreat to pack up my room, well James room now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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