1 - Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you

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A/N - I decided to repost my story from: https://archiveofourown.org/users/AliceCase923

I am so excited to share this story with all of you. Right now, I'm looking at twelve chapters and an epilogue. It's my first time to write about bechloe and I'm looking forward to going on this crazy ride with you all.

Song used: New Year's Day - Taylor Swift


Being the youngest of three, I was always the baby in the family. This is despite me having two nieces and one nephew already. Growing up, I have to say my family being overprotective had its pros and cons but I know it stems from nothing but love. I also know that in reality they can never resist me when I actually decide on something or someone.

Jut when I became a doctor, Gramps passed away and it devastated Grammy. Together with my siblings, we made sure to spend as much time as possible with her on alternating weekends. I had always known I was their favourite so I tried to visit as much as I could. This was also the same reason as to why I decided to stay here in Portland.

I have been working in Portland Animal Clinic for the past five years focused mainly on companion animals – cats and dogs. I love all that come with it. It's such a bonus that I work with my best friend, Stacie, too. Stacie is one of my oldest friends. Someday we will be running our own practice together.

"So what are we doing tonight hot stuff? Just because you're in a relationship now, doesn't mean you can't take me out." Stacie peeks behind my computer screen.

"I don't know what you're saying. Tyler never says no to our girls' night. And we are not in a relationship."

"You sure act like you're in one. As much as we hate to admit it though, he's good for you. Especially after everything that's happened."

Stacie talks about the past as if it were just yesterday. "I don't think we will work as a couple, we're better off friends in my honest opinion. Also since we're both single, no harm just fooling around."

"Fooling around? You think Tyler is just fooling around? I think he's falling for you and I can't blame him."

"I think we're just enjoying each other's company."

"Why are you punishing yourself? I really don't get you. Why not give Tyler a real chance? Better yet, if you're not going to try to move on from Beca, maybe it's time you stop shutting her out and swallow your pride. You two are so good together, in a relationship or not." Stacie, just like all our close friends and family, still believes that we are not done for good.

"It's been years and she hates me."

"How do you know that? What if I say to you she doesn't?" Stacie responds quickly. "And even if she does, I'm sure you'll figure something out."

I would hate me. I was the one who broke up with her and I still stand by that decision. We are both very happy in our careers and I am happy for her. Don't get me wrong Tyler is a great guy. To be honest, I don't know what I'm waiting for. Maybe under different circumstances...

"How are things with Aubrey?" I try to change the subject. Anything about Aubrey always works.

"She's still on tour with Beca as you may or may not know. But we're managing it just fine unlike some..."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Oh shush."

It's actually impressive how Stacie and Aubrey are still going strong in their relationship and are able to keep their friendships with me and Beca, separately of course.

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