Chapter 9

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3rd person POV

Moira:"-...if given the time, we could try something for now"
Reaper:"and that would help?"
Moira:"for a while, untill we get to the
I would ask for you to leav"

Moira just pushed them out quickly, reaper was furious
But...he felt a hand on his shoulder

Sombra:"will he..."
Reaper:"he will not die...i will make sure of it"

Reaper sat on a nearby rock, waiting for when the time is right
He felt ashamed, he promised him as a kid that nothing would've happened to him

But...some are just empty...empty promises
Sombra knew that he wouldn't go out without a fight...she would know the best

So she sat down on the ground, beside reaper
It was silent again, both were just waiting for her to call them in
It will be a looonngg wait


Every soldier was finished loading their vehicles
Some are going by foot, some by cars etcetera

But they were all waiting for their leader to give them the green light to leav
But, that wasn't happening anytime soon

Someone tapped reaper on the shoulder, he looked at them...moira!

Moira:"he's uhhh...'awake' persay"

He instantly got inside to see him...he was indeed awake
His eyes were opened, his breathing was very loud
He wondered why she did that

(just Imagion vader breathing, and no. You will NOT be vader)

He slowly looked at reaper, what they didn't know
Yn was shot multiple times, below the hip, in the stomach, arm and now from a sniper he was shot through his lungs

Reaper stood next to his bed before grabbing the paper that was on his bed
Everything was written on it, from his real name and fake last name(Oxton) to all of his injuries

Reaper puts the paper down and sits on a chair beside Yns bed
Reaper puts his hand on Yns

Reaper:"when you get out...i swear I'm gonna knock the shit out of you because of this"

Yn smiled under his mask, everything got quiet
They both like it like that, peace and quie-

Moira:"sombra, calm down!"

Reaper and Yn jumped alittle due to the sudden yelling
Yn then groaned in pain and reaper sighed in frustration

Sombra however, ignoring moiras and reapers warnings on his injuries
hugged him with all her might
Yn again groaned while sombra cried in his shoulder

Sombra:"you are dead the second you leav!"
Moira:"sombra-" sigh"-listen, Yn...i have some disturbing news for you"

Yn looked at her quickly and she sighed and sat down next to reaper

*meanwhile in overwatch*

76 was laying on the bed while Angela was helping him with his wounds

Soldier 76:quitly"fucking Reyes"
Angela:"what did you say?"
Soldier 76:" was nothing"

Tracer was in the back, sitting on a chair as she had only a scratch on her arm
She was thinking of...him, how it would've been better if he were to stay

Winston:"ahem, tracer"
Tracer:"hm, oh. Heya love!"
Winston:"yes...listen, Ana has something to tell you"

Tracer nodded and soon enough, Ana came into the room
She had a sad expression on her face and she was carrying something

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