Let Me Ask You Something Again

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'ello m' legends!
I am here, with another question for toda-

I had to, now...
I have been watching this...game, called "detroit:become human"

And to say I was interested in it is an understatement
So, I've been meaning to ask you
If I were to make a story, bout that game (or similar)

Would you read it
And just to say, no, this story is NOT being discontinued
Nor being put on hold
(I'll make a new chapter when the time feels right
Aka, my 2 braincells click and make some bullshit)

Sooo, let's say like this
*possible parts of the story*

It sort of starts of with your 2 dads fighting
(ya know damn well who
Reyes and Morrison)
Over what happened with being the leader and shit

From verbal it gets to physical fighting, and from there you know the rest
But you were caught between both, and the last thing you saw was a flash infront of your eyes before everything went dark


So that's about it, that's how far I came
So tell me, would you feel like reading something like that?

If not, I understand
But, better try and fail, then don't try and fail...
Except if you're infront of other people


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