Chapter 1

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Hello guys, I'm back with another short story. I know it's been a while but I have finally found the time to sit down and write! Hope you like it.
**I do not own these characters ( minus the ones I have made up). **


"I can't believe I'm finally here". I thought as I was being lead/escorted by crawlers to Regalia.

What made me want to come back? Well It's been a long long journey. Honestly ever since I parted ways with my Underland friends, I had every intention to return.
Granted, this task was not going to be easy. My mother, Grace, was fed up with the Underland. She was so paranoid and so afraid of going back that she moved us and our, fully recuperated, father to Virginia. Which by the way is 6 hours south of New York. Her plans were to eliminate every once of longing for the Underland, warning us that we will never go back, explaining that the "awful dark underworld" ruined our lives the second our father made his appearance. Though the girls and I disagreed we knew not to argue, for it would only make matters worse.
It is true that our lives and our family would have suffered less if my father had never gone missing but what mother doesn't understand is that the Underland is where I am meant to be.
Once I returned to the "real world" all I felt was lost. My life up above had no meaning. What impact would I have if I went to school and got the highest grades? Who cared that I was excellent saxophone soloist? Who cared that I became an excellent boxer? Maybe some collages did, maybe my parents did but what about me? None of that was my passion. I didn't want to succeed in a life I didn't want to be a part of.
But in the Underland I was someone... Well at least for the duration of the war and prophecies written by Bartholomew of Sandwhich. I was the 11 year old warrior who also happened to be a rager. I was talented and needed. The Underland is where I knew I needed to be. Its where I felt drawn to.

"Overlander, we are approaching". the crawler who introduced herself as Tam said.

Clicking around me, as I had no light and was using my echolocation, I began to notice the faint signs of human civilization. Among this wide hallway there were torch holders every 10ft or so apart but as of this moment , none where lit. Which was a bit odd considering that most humans cant use echolocation. Another quite easy sign was the pathway. With years of traffic from humans and other creatures it's become smoother than the ground I earlier stepped on.

"You have no light but see you do". Tam said bring me out of my observations.

"Oh," I said with a chuckle "Ya I was able to master my echolocation. It took a while but I'm not dependent on light anymore. That is why I didn't bring a flashlight."

The crawlers began clicking among themselves no doubt questioning whether or not to believe me.

Slightly annoyed I explained, "I know its uncommon and probably impossible for most, but while I as locked away during the Code of Claw I discovered I could use it and ever since then I did my best to sharpen my ability."

Again their clicking began and yet they didn't bother to fill me in on their conversation.

"Oh well." I thought as I rolled my eyes.

As silence engulfed us once again, I began to feel uneasy and nervous. Though I planned my escape here.. I didn't get far enough to think about the actual re-encounter. It's been so long since I've seen everyone. Without a doubt most of them never thought of seeing me again. Everyone including... Luxa

Its true that we developed feelings for each other. In fact Luxa was my first kiss and my first love. But its been 11 years and its no secret to many that within a time span of that many years, feelings can diminish or even vanish. So what should I expect? A warm hug? A kiss? Smiling to myself I quickly threw that thought away. Knowing Luxa's tough personality, I doubt that she would want to embrace me. At 23 years old Luxa is now the Queen of Regalia. At 16 her coronation was held and I'm sure that ever since then shes been expected to act as a queen, thinking not only of the Regalian's present needs but their future as well. Meaning that they would expect her to fill in her very empty linage.

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