Chapter 16

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The headline glared at me from where Emily held up the newspaper. A gigantic photo of me playing with the orphans yesterday accompanied it. Andy was just visible in the background.

I gaped back. "Holy shit," I managed to mumble.

"You're on the front page!" Emily half shouted.


I leaned back slightly in my cushions. I was still in bed. I'd been woken by an excited Emily insisting I look at the newspaper. And now I couldn't quite wrap my head around it. It was weird to see my face splattered on a newspaper, never mind portrayed in a good light. Well I think a good light, worry suddenly filled me-

"Andy isn't going to be mad right? This is good. Not like Katherine and the booze."

Emily beamed at me, "it's no where near similar. This is great Stevie. It's portraying you in a extremely favorable light, when Katherine was just seen as reckless."

Before I could reply, I heard my door fly open before being tackle hugged, by a small dark haired girl, squealing slightly.

"Hi Issie." I laughed.

She looked at me with those eyes that reminded me so much of her brother, "have you seen it?"

I nodded.

She jumped up and down slightly on the bed, "isn't it wonderful?"

"I didn't do it on purpose," I admitted to the both of them.

"Oh I know, and so does everyone else," Isabella said, happily. "Emily, read her some of the article."

Emily obeyed and began to read, "yesterday Prince Andrew, and the lovely lady we have now identified as his best friend Stephanie, payed a spontaneous trip to the All Girls Orphanage in Bree Street. Villagers reported that when the lively American saw the girls, she stopped what she was doing and went to visit. Prince Andrew later joined her, his fiancé nowhere to be seen..."

"SEE!" Isabella said, happily, interrupting Emily. Who just smiled, and left the room to go get my breakfast.

"And I saw Andrew this morning, and asked him about it, and do you know what he said?" Isabella's eyes poured into mine. She was clearly bursting with excitement.

"Cool?" I responded.

She ignored my comment, "he said he had seen it, and he was glad everyone now knows how amazing you are."

My heart soared, "he said that?"

Isabella nodded furiously, "oh yes. I could see he really pleased."

I couldn't help but smile. But another thought was pressing itself to be asked.

"You saw Andy this morning?" I asked Isabella. I hardly ever saw Andy in the mornings, he was always busy with work.

"Oh yes, he came to see me on his way to a meeting. He said you needed a dress for the ball, and that he was putting me in charge to make sure you were sorted." She was clearly pleased with the responsibility. "Which reminds me, Roberto will be here very soon!"


But before Isabella could even open her mouth to reply, there was a quick knock on the door, and she danced off to answer it. Next thing I knew, she was pulling a middle aged man into my room by the hand.

He was undoubtably not from around here; his olive skin indicated that. His black hair was combed back, indicating a receding hairline. His casual suit was beautiful tailored and all white, highlighting his skin; a light blue button down peaked out under the white blazer. Glancing down at my oversized t shirt, and pajamas shorts, with my frizzy hair- I was aware I must look like a troll. His lips pursed and I knew I was right.

"This is Roberto, he's going to be making your dress for you." Isabella introduced, "Roberto this is Stevie."

I grinned sheepishly at him, "sorry I wasn't expecting guests."

"I can see darling," his high Italian accent voice surprised me. He clapped his hands, "come come, I need to see properly what I'm working with." He glided over to the gigantic full length mirror.

I hopped out of bed, walking over self consciously. Roberto grabbed my shoulders when I was close enough; positioning me to stand directly in front of the mirror. Looking at my reflection, I could see him analyzing at me- Isabella flickering her eyes between us.

"Hmmm..." He walked around me now, like a shark encircling its prey, poking in different places. "Nice figure, little waist, small breasts, long legs, terrible posture." He pulled my shoulders back harshly.

"Ow" I mouthed silently. Isabella giggled.

He stopped circling and then dramatically declared, "yes! I will do it!"

Isabella clapped her hands in delight, before gushing a 'thank you.'

"I will be here tomorrow morning, same time, to start. So be ready for me." Roberto instructed me.

I frowned slightly, "don't I get to say what I maybe want?"

He looked at me up and down with emotionless hazel eyes, "no."

I bit my lip nervously. Generally when other people picked outfits for me, it didn't go down well. I had no doubt Roberto knew what he was doing; I'd seen Isabella beautiful clothes. But he didn't know me from a bar of soap! Next thing I was going to land up with a pink frilly dress. Then I'd be forced to accidentally ruin it and I knew that wouldn't go down well with everyone.

The young princess seemed to sense my worry, "Stevie, don't worry, Roberto will make sure you look lovely."

Roberto made a 'pttfft' noise and held his hand to his chest as if wounded. "Lovely?" He said in disgust, "no, no! She will be the most beautiful girl at the ball when she puts on Roberto's dress."

I smiled in hope. I highly doubted that, but his over confidence eased my worry slightly.

"Just no pink." I dared to say.

Roberto dismissed that with a wave of his hand and a grimace. I smiled in relief, realizing it had never been his intention. I was suddenly aware Emily had re-entering the room with my breakfast. Realizing I was starving, I rushed over, grabbing a croissant from the heavily laden table, before lathering it in Nutella. Roberto gasped in horror.

I held it out, "want some?"

He didn't reply. I shrugged and took a massive bite. Next thing I knew, the small Italian man was grabbing at me.

"No! No! Poof, poof. No more carbs for you!" He promptly pulled the donut out my hand, and with an unknown accuracy threw it out the window. I stared in shock. He then turned to Emily and starting pushing her and the table out of the room, with "shoo, shoo, get proper food!"

The whole scene was ridiculous enough to break my shock. I lapsed into fit of giggles as the two of them exited the room, the table bumping against them.

"Well, he's quite a character." I said to Isabella still laughing, collapsing next to her on the bed.

She laughed back, "that was nothing. Just wait. The longer you know him, the more he surprises you." She looked at me seriously then, "but he really will make you a beautiful dress Stevie. I promise."

I couldn't help but believe the sincerity of her words. I squeezed her hand lightly, "thank for helping."

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