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Authors note: Simon's wings are something that seem to be so full of possibility to me. Are the leathery or smooth? How bendy are they? How much can he control them? Etc.

Context: This happens sometime during the second book, when they're on their road trip.

Simon lay on his side on the ground, peacefully sleeping.One of his wings acted as a mattress, the other as a blanket. Each breath made his wings steadily rise and fall slightly. 

The night was, to say the least, chilly. Simon was used to the cold, but only during the day. He didn't normally make a habit of sleeping outside, with no sleeping bag or blankets. However, his wings acted surprisingly well as insulation, keeping the cold air out, but not making Simon feel stuffy or overheated.

Baz was not so lucky. He lay curled in a ball, his body violently shaking with shivers. Even though  he was a vampire, he still felt the cold. Baz shifted to face Simon, wrapping his jacket tighter around him. Baz must have made a noise, because Simon abruptly sat up. Baz scooted backwards, startled. Simon yawned, his eyes adjusted to the darkness.

"Cold?"  asked Simon.

Baz shrugged. "A bit."

"Liar. I can hear your teeth chattering from over here."

"I'm fine."

"You're more than welcome to freeze. Don't blame me when your fingers fall off and your nose turns blue."

Baz leaned forward to smack Simon's arm. "What do you suggest I do, then?"

"Join me in my bubble of warmth." Simon stretched his wing out to Baz.

Baz scoffed. "Right."

Simon held out his hand to Baz. Baz glanced at his hand warily. "Baz... I don't want my boyfriend to die of frostbite."

Baz rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He grabbed Simon's hand and let himself be pulled in Simon's arms. Simon wrapped his wings around the two of them and slowly lay back down. 

"Better, Baz?"

Baz was already asleep.

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