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the bitter contents of the can slid down my already fully lubricated throat. i had made the bold decision to begin pre-drinks before actually meeting liam and noel at the boardwalk. it takes me a while to get drunk and i know already we all will be so hopefully this can of whatever it is i found in the back of my fridge will aid that a little.

bopping to the elton john playing on the tv, i swiped the red lipstick across my lips. my body bopped from side to side as i did so, clearly vibing to the current song, which i believe was 'crocodile rock'. as i finished my makeup, i noticed my cat stalk in from looking in the mirror. her name's mercury, after freddie of course. i adopted her for christmas the year freddie mercury died so i felt that was an appropriate name.

i was done, after a whole hour. i had to make myself look good, you never know what's gonna happen. i dust my outfit down and sway in front of the mirror.

very nice.

i nodded my head once and left the room, mercury toddling after me as she always did. i glanced to the clock, realising that it was already 6:55.

"shittin' hell!" i exclaim, realising that i'm going to be late. the boardwalk was at least a ten maybe fifteen minute walk from my flat. i tut, grabbing my essentials; money, gum, perfume, extra makeup.

the keys came from out of the bowl by the door and into the lock. they unlocked the door and i stepped out. mercury's head tilted in curiosity, clearing wondering why her owner was leaving her at such an ungodly hour.

"bye, baby. i'll be back soon." i bid, speaking to her as if she was a small child. she seemed content with that though, she continued with her usual business.

i closed the door to my flat, making sure it was fully secure before making my way down the stairs. as i was going down, one of my neighbours was coming up.

his name was george and he was ever so lovely. he must be about 70 or so, he lives on his own since his wife is in the nursing home a few streets away. he's always checking on me when i go out at night, which i do maybe more than i should.

"evening, george." i greet, giving him a warm smile as i landed on the floor below mine once getting to the bottom of the stairs.

"hiya, y/n. out again, are we?" he asked. i smiled at his tone, he sounded like my dad. well, maybe not my dad but a dad.

"of course, it's saturday night." i tell him, making him chuckle. he sees me go out most saturdays, he sees me every monday morning when i leave for work as he goes to see his wife at the same time so he always asks me how it went. every monday, he gets the same response.

"you have fun tonight. you never know, tonight may be the night!" he exclaimed with excitement, clapping his hands.

he says that every week. he's always pestering me to see if i was seeing anyone. he says i'm losing time, he was married to his wife when he was 20 and i'm 22.

"doubt it. you have a nice night." i say, patting his shoulder. he nods his head, smiling at me with that sweet smile he always did.

"yes dear, you too." he replies. he walks up the stairs and i continue to walk down.

i reach the street and begin walking my way to the boardwalk. it wasn't far from ancoats but i didn't live too close to ancoats so i needed to speed up.

i loved walking through manchester in the early evening. it buzzed with life every single time. some were already drunk, singing classic anthems and thinking they sound like professional artists but really they just sound like, well, drunk mancunians. some were just getting started, letting their bevvy's warm them up as they stood outside the bars smoking cigarettes. some weren't drinking at all, some were trying to get home and were looking down on the people having a good time in shame. prudes.

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