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the door shut with a mumbled 'click' and locked with ease. i turned to see george coming out of his flat too.

"morning george." i greet, making him turn and return the gesture with a kind smile.

"morning y/n, off to work?" he asks. i nod my head and hold my arm out so he can walk down the stairs with me.

"how come you didn't go out on monday?" i inquire as we descend the building.

"oh i had the lads in fixing my shower, it'd been playing up." he tells me. i nod my head and let out an understanding 'ah'.

"did you have fun on saturday night then?"

"i did." i reply, smiling to myself about the stuff we all got up to.

"good. i saw you go out last night as well all dressed up. did you meet him?"

every single time he sees me go out at night, he asks me the same question afterwards, 'did you meet him?'. he was married at my age and he believes that i'm losing time, despite the fact that he was married in the 40s and it's now the 90s and times have changed.

every time he asks the question, i respond with a sigh and a 'no.'. we then have a chuckle and by that time, we've reached the bottom of the stairs and we both go our separate ways.

"i'm not sure." i reply, looking at george. he immediately unlinks his arm from mine and claps with joy.

"oh dear, what's his name?" george asks. i chuckle at his enthusiasm and reluctantly shut it down.

"i'm not sure whether he's 'him' yet though george, we're just mates." i tell him, making him scoff and shake his hands and head.

"you won't be saying that when i'm sat at your wedding." george comments, making me laugh louder than before.

the two of us had ended our journey to the front door of the building. we both waved each other off and began our other journeys: mine to work and his to the nursing home his wife currently resides in.

it takes me five minutes to walk to sifters, it's quite a nice walk actually. very scenic, considering it is manchester.

i walk around the back and enter the store, seeing melissa hanging up her coat.

"i thought i was ok with frankie again today?" i asked her, making her roll her eyes and turn to me.

"he called in sick." she stated, blowing a bubble with her gum, letting it pop before continuing to chew. i nod my head and sigh.

melissa wasn't the nicest colleague i had, she has too much attitude and doesn't have a laugh with me. she's only 16 and i think she's only here because her mum made her come and get this job. she also doesn't work very well, she's always mixing up the music genres and when she leaves an hour early, i have to go and sort them out.

i leave her in the back room and enter the store, going to the front door and unlocking it and turning the sign from 'closed' to 'open'.

as i do every morning i open the store (which seems to be most mornings these days), i turn the radio on. this morning, some micheal jackson was playing as i made sure the place was looking good for the customers. i know for a fact we'll be busy today because most of the kids' parents around here get their dole money so they'll all be in here.

it took an hour or two for the atmosphere to pick up in the store. it was quite ironic, as the store got more busy, i got more tired. it was because i got in at midnight last night and i couldn't help but think about the eventual evening that i'd had with liam.

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