soap ; seungmin

21 2 0

member(s): kim seungmin

   ➛ genre: fluff

   ➛ pairing: seungmin x oc

   ➛ word count: 1.6k

   ➛ date written: february 10th, 2019

   ➛ tags: #Seungmin #Soap #MarsWritesThings

   ➛ summary: in which seungmin confesses to his crush

   ➛ prompt: soap - melanie martinez


"i'm tired of being careful, tiptoe, trying to keep the water warm, let me under your skin"

He didn't want to be cliché. He didn't want to fall into that category. He didn't want to admit it. He was terrified to think that in the past few months he had sensed an internal change, one that could leave him devastated if not fulfilled soon.

He was in love with his best friend.

When he came to this realization, he used to tell himself that it was just a phase. That it was nothing more than a little crush. That he'd get over it. Little did he realize this tiny crush would grow and mature to become a full-fledged infatuation with his best friend.

It didn't happen overnight. It took a bunch of subtle instances to link together before he realized what was happening to him. His heart skipped a beat when she smiled at him. Her contagious laugh made even his darkest days bright with happiness. He noticed how absolutely beautiful she was, no matter what she was wearing. Whether she had a full face of makeup on or none at all, it didn't matter to Seungmin. She was breathtaking either way. This awakening made his thoughts fuzzy. It became harder and harder for him to focus on anything but her. 

When it reached that point, he knew he had to do something about it. He had to make his feelings known. After months of repressing these thoughts, he knew it had to be let out, or else he might do something that could ruin their friendship forever. Seungmin wanted more. Sure, being friends was nice, and owning the title of "Emi's best friend" was one that he proudly wore on his sleeve, but he craved more. He wanted their hugs to last more than a few seconds. He wanted to cuddle with her and watch movies without an awkward feeling creeping through his mind. He wanted to kiss her, to the point where he's had to stop himself more than once from planting a soft kiss on her forehead when he's gotten up to leave.

"i feel it coming out my throat, guess i better wash my mouth out with soap"

Seungmin ran his hand through his cherry red hair and closed his eyes as he leaned back against the wall. He drew a bath, something he always did when he needed to think things over. The warm water was soothing, and the tiny pops of the bubbles were satisfying to hear. It was the perfect environment for him to mull over his thoughts. 

Should I tell her how I feel?

On the one hand, he knew that his life would be easier if he got his feelings off his chest. He'd finally be able to stop worrying about it. He'd have an answer to the question of, "Does she like me as more than a friend?" A question then had been haunting not only his waking moments, but his dreams too. He knew that he might not get the answer that he desired and if that happened he knew a whole new set of emotions would take over his mind.

Should I just keep my mouth shut?

Emi's friendship was precious to Seungmin. He knew that his confession might make things awkward if she didn't feel the same way. He had a crippling fear that she might go as far as to end their friendship. He hoped and prayed that it wouldn't go down that path, but sometimes she acted unexpectedly, so he thought it best to think up every possibility. 

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