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I took one of my knives and ran it across her throat and I thought I would ask her some questions. 'What is your name" I saidShe hesitated and did not want to say anything so I yelled at her. I hate being ignored. 'LINA' she said. 'full name's said. 'LINA FRANCIS' she said hesitating. ' How old is your son and what is his name said?His name is Dylan Baily he is 9 she said.Liar liar liar I hate liars you wanna know why I know your lying because I went through your stuff and I know his name age and what school he goes to so try again and this time please don't lie to meIf you know then why are u asking me she saidI want to see what kind of person you are and right now you are a lying bitch I said.Then I tased her for lying and thinking she is smarter than me ME 'Do you have a husband or boyfriend and remember you lie you get tased I already know so please be wise I said. 'No I am single what is ur name' she said ' Why would I tell u my name I am not stupid to call me zookeeper I said. I thought this name was funny because I was keeping her in the zoo she did not like the joke and frowned I was lost I got her here and I did not know what to do I wanted to kill her and I will so I took my her hand and said what fingers do you wanna keep she started to cry and I took her ring finger and sad your not married you won't need this one.

I unchained her from the wall and she fought and kicked and punched I finally was able to tie her in a chair laid her ring finger on the table and smashed it when I went down it felt like the world was in slow-mo and I watched as her finger get bashed it was the best feeling. She screamed and I laughed she cried and I was crying from laughter.

'shshs sweat heart u are fine just a minor wound' i said evilly.

Just kept crying louder and louder and I walked out of the room. I hate crying but I also went to get a medkit to patch her finger up. I don't want her to bleed out and die yet

. FOUR DAYS LATER: It has been for days of me tortur ing her after work every day I have cut her in various places and smashed like demolished one of her hands cut her neck and stomach she begs me to stop or let her go I refuse to. I am going to kill her today she will die today and I know exactly how.

Please let me go' she said

'Today is your last day' I said

 Your gonna let me go' she said enthusiastically

 'No you are going to die today' i said please

 No please I won't tell anyone just let me go I promise please' she said

 A single tear fell from her cheek and I almost felt remorse for her but I don't almost got scared though I was going soft she is going to die tonight no matter what no matter how much she begs she will die.

'Sorry not sorry you will die today' i said She cried hard I got my things to kill her ready I got a clever, chainsaw, machete, bleach, and two sharp kitchen knives. I cut her down from her ropes she fell on the floor I tied her to a chair I started to cut at her face with knives she screamed in agony as I got my machete ready and I slashed at her legs not cutting off her limbs yet, I started it up and she begged and pleaded but I was gonna kill her so I cut off her right leg then her right arm then the rest of her limbs. I was soaked in blood and laughing. I never felt so good. I felt a rush. I wanted to do it again. I did it and I need to do it again. I packed up her body parts and then I moped up all the blood using bleach and soap I took off my bloody clothes and cut them up and put them in a bag then I took her body parts and spread them across the city.

I took her purse and phone and other belongings and threw them in a river when I first took her I turned her phone off so no one could track her when I threw her phone in the river I turned it on so the phone would ping the tower closest to the river when they start looking for her. The next day I was watching the news and it said a woman by the name of LINA FRANCIS went missing about 6 days ago I just laughed at the tv then changed the channel the next day at work I had the best day I was so happy and smiley and I was hungry to kill again It was thursday around 5:20 and I saw a sleek black muscle car pull in to the dinner I was waiting for a new victim at I saw a very fit young man get out about his early twenties he was wearing a leather jacket white tee underneath ripped black jeans on he had facial stubble walked in and sat down I walked into the parking lot and walked around for about ten minutes then he went to use the restroom so I went up to he car unlocked the back door and laid in the back on the ground after 20- 25 minutes later he got in and started driving we stopped at our fourth red light I looked up to see no one around and took this chance I got my cloth and put it over his face to my surprise he put up no fight at all just knocked out I moved him to the back and drove towards the zoo. I undressed him and left him in his boxers only then hung him up by his wrist then threw water at him he woke up time for some questions I decided to go more in-depth about the questions then with the lady. 'hi' i said 'what am I doing here why am I half-naked' he said. ME 'what is ur name' he said nothing I hate being ignored so I asked again he said nothing one more time this time I yelled.'Danny Finch he said 'how old are you Danny' i said '21' he said 'are u married or dating anyone' i said 'I'm engaged' he said 'Where were you going' 'home' 'to your fiancé I said' 'yes' he said 'what is your phone password' i said HIM '12 25 05'he said ME 'why Christmas of 05' he said 'my sister died two years ago that's the day and year she was born she was only 12 when a drunk driver hit her while she was crossing the street' he said fighting back tears.'Why would you tell me that 'I said. 'You asked' he said.'No I asked why that day u could have my sister's birthday you did not have to tell me that she was dead or how she died'.He was silent I just looked at him for a while I hate peoples who overshare

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