Greetings my Lovies!

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Hey guys and gals!

It's been a while, with everything that's currently going on with the COVID-19, I just want y'all to be cautious. This is a trying time for us everywhere. This is simply me hoping that you all are safe and taking precautions. I hope you enjoy chapter four, there is a little surprise waiting in chapter 5. 🤩 I've been struggling lately, and like the owl that I am, I finally got over the writer's block after 2 a.m. today. I haven't been sleeping much and then I went on Wattpad and I reread WSTIAC and I was struck with inspiration. I was like my poor readers must have given up on me.
So I wrote to my heart's content and I even reached halfway through Chapter Five. Yay! 🥳 I can't wait to share it with you guys once I complete it. Hopefully in a few days.

Stay safe guys and gals! Lots of love!
Christié S.

Who Said Three is a Crowd?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora