welcome + our aims

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Welcome to Project Smile Support!

We're a community that aims to prevent suicides, help others when they need to and provide a shoulder to cry on for absolutely anyone. 

This project/account/community was created as a way to try and support everyone. we are, of course, a Wattpad community but everyone who is a part of this has your best interests at heart and will comfort you in your times of crisis.

Did you know that teenage suicide is the third causes of death from the ages of 10 to 24 in the United States? And 11% of teenagers have experienced depression by the end of their teenage years? No?

And according to the World Health Organisation, 264 million people suffer from depression worldwide. That's a pretty big number.

Well, we're here to try and prevent that.

We can see so many beautiful, amazing, talented people on this website, and yet we can also see that those amazingly talented people can be depressed, unhappy ones too. So many of us are suffering and yet so many of us don't have a place to go to, a friend to talk to, a person to ask for advice from.

We want to change that.

We offer counselling sessions with volunteers who are probably not professionals but act a lot like them due to their kind attitudes and caring personalities. We provide books full of positive, inspirational quotes to try and brighten your day just a teeny tiny bit. We can promise that our DMs are always open, our shoulders are always there for you to lean on, and our members are as kind and supportive as you need them to be. 

Please, don't leave this life because we can guarantee that so many people care about you. Us included.

As we said earlier: our DMs are always open if you need a chat or want advice. 

We even have an anonymous question page so you can ask questions or queries without giving your name or account away, in case that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Go check out our 'Help' book, as well as our 'Counselling' and 'Positive Quotes' book.

We care for you.

Remember that.

~ lots of love from Project Smile Support

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