polly ~ founder/admin

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hey there! I'm Polly and I'm the founder/creator/admin/crazy dude of this account.

I'm just your average British girl who has an unhealthy obsession to tea and wants to do a teeny weeny bit of good in the world. my one dream is to become a cbt therapist but considering that's not going to happen for at least a couple more years, I decided I might as well start helping others as early as possible... by setting up this account yeek.


I honestly don't know why I just said 'yeek' but I made it up once and now I can't stop saying it. oops.

I created this project as a way to reach out to all of those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts and/or mental health problems. of course we offer advice for other topics but that is the main aim of this account. too many people have lost friends, family, neighbours, etc to suicide and this account aims to provide help and support to strugglers of depression, anxiety, etc, etc so that they can live their best life.

idk if that makes sense but it's basically so you can be that amazing person that you so obviously are.

some weird facts 'bout me:

~ I play the clarinet *toooooot*

~ I'm a summer baby and that sucks bcos everyone's older than me

~ 5'3.5 but we're rounding that up to 5'4 bcos I wanna be tall

~ I'm addicted to Friends and not even sorry. 

~ I have social anxiety/anxiety but we're coping, we're doing okay.  I dunno if this links with my absolute hatred/fear for scary stuff but it's cool

~ I love you all

~ I'm nearly at 1K on my personal account (pollywritess) and that's crazy to me!! eeeek 

~ I love you all

please remember that if you're struggling, we're all here for you and our DMs are always open. 

toodles for now

~ Polly <333

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