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When she was younger, she coped with all sorts of rejection,

With all sorts of bullying,

With all genres of fear,

She had hard time making new friends

She accepted a whole lot of accusations.

She was alone at one point, down and broken.

She was the one who always tried to fit in,

And fortunately, the one who always ended up standing out

She wanted to be listened to.

She had life within, yet dead souls trapped into walking bodies surrounded her.

She was scared,

She wanted to feel safe.

She was one of a kind,

She was love.

Yet she wanted to feel warm,

She wanted to talk but nobody was there to listen.

She spent late nights crying off her pain and getting over her fears,

She got up as she grew, brushing off the dust as she rose,

She believed,

She smiled,

She hugged the world,

She kissed the sun,

She found herself,

She climbed,

She found friends and family,

She became stronger,

And now never come up to her and ask her to speak, because she won't speak.

She won't speak,

Her past had taught her to not speak

She is the silent roar,

She is the one who breaks with no noise,

Who smiles and arises stubbornly back to each and every battle,

She is the lioness that leads the pack,

And she's still life by all it's means.

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