Chapter 25

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Hey, guys!!! If you haven't read the last 24 chapters of this story then here is the link!

If you are on a phone or the app the original author's name is in the description so you can find his book from there!

Oh! I forgot to mention I was listening to this song while writing this so I thought you guys might like it!


When Harry entered Great Hall all of the Quidditch Captains were lining up to ask him to join their team, well all except Slytherin, they were just chilling out sitting at their table. The captains were telling Harry all about the things he could do in their team, but Harry ignored them and sat down at the Slytherin table. People at the Slytherin table where just talking to Harry when out of nowhere a package came in. It was for harry and it was signed from the Gryffindor table, and inside it had a brand new broom with a broom fixing and polishing kit. Harry finished his food and went down to his next class, potions. When he got there he saw Snape getting ready for the assignments that he was going to give out.
"Hello, Snape."
"Hello, Potter."
"What are you doing here so early?"
"Getting ready for class obviously."
Right then the bell rang and the students piled into the classroom.
"Welcome, class... Are you ready to learn about the drought of the living dead?"
There where a chorus of no's and yes's.
"Well then, since you all are a bunch of mindless sheep, you will go to page 69 in your text book! Read all there is on the drought of the living dead, and brew it when you are done reading! Got it!?"
Everyone once again chorused "Yes Professor Snape..."
"Good, good, very good," Snape sneered.
"Proffesor, I am done!"Harry said, but Snape then muttered something under his breath and went to check up on Draco.
After everyone was done, there was only 2 people who properly finished it, and they where Draco, and surprisingly Harry.
Heyo! I finally uploaded ONE of the secret stories, the other one is coming out later and i hope you enjoyed, baiiiiii

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