Chapter 5: "She Was With You !?"

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The Year is 1964, Spring, Briarcliff Manor in Massachusetts

Oliver's POV

          After having talked to many patients I felt it was time to bring in little Miss [Y/N]'s ex-girlfriend so to speak. I was interested in her side of the story and feelings amongst the whole situation, not that she isn't to blame though for the demise of her relationship and little secret, but as a licensed Psychiatrist I do need to hear both sides to a story. Which mean it is time for me to litsen to the other side of this tragedy that has occurred for my unfortunate little [H/C] and [E/C] patient.

        I walked back over to my desk and opened the draw that held all my folders for each of my patients here at this institution. The draw once again made its usual ear-splitting creaky sound. My face scrunched up into a pain filled expression for a bit till relaxing. I allowed my hand to shuffle around looking for the folder labeled. "Lana Winters" on it. After my dark-brown eyes finally found the manila folder I gently pulled it out and placed it on my cluttered desk of notepads and pens. I opened up the folder to examine the contents and I realized it said similar things to [Y/N] [L/N]'s file. The only real difference that seemed to evident was "prone to aggresive behavior" and "tends to violently lash out" These two phrases really stood out to me and peaked my interest in her even more.
          After I got the the gist of what Miss Winters was all about I decided it was time to finally meet her once and for all. I called for Carl, who was he same man who brought [Y/N] to my office along with the other patients I had asked for. I heard his all to familiar style of walking as he approached my door and knocked on it.
          "Did you ask for me Doc? Carl questioned through the grainy glass of the door.
          "Yes, I have. Please do come in." I answered back. Carl walked into the room, shutting the door behind him. He walked forward towards my desk, "I would like you to--." I stopped and forwarded my eyebrows while angling my head slightly to notice that Carl's fly was down for some odd reason.
          "Are you ok Doc? You look like something is off." Carl asked with a concerned tone.
         "Hmm... Yes, you're fly is down by quite alot. You should fix that before Sister Jude sees." I replied with curiosity and bewilderment as to how it was down so far in the first place.
          "Oh! Shit! Sorry Doc!" Carl says frantically while proceeding to zipper up his white pants quickly, "I'm so sorry Doc. I won't let that happen again. Thank you for telling me. Sister Jude would have definitely ripped me a new one if she had seen that. Hehe... " He continues to state through a nervous relief, but grateful formality.
          "Well, anywho, I need you to grab Miss Winters for me please; her session is supposed to start soon." I ask formally, and a tone of urgency to change the topic as quickly as humanly possible. He gave me a quick silent nod and proceeded to walk out of the room to go grab her. I sat at my desk fiddling around for bit, waiting for him to come back. I decided to get my set up ready, the one that I use for all my sessions, in the mean time.
          After that was finished the guard came back with Miss Winters by his side; by the look on her face you could tell she was not having a good time. I watched as the guard threw her a little forward letting her go and nearly falling face first on the ground. She proceeded to turn around and shove the guard for a bit which in turn caused a sloppy mediocre fight to happen between them.
          Before it escalated into something bigger I stood and asked in my authoritative tone, "Will the two of you knock it off! This is very immature behavior you guys are displaying, especially you Carl." Carl and Winters stopped what they were doing and gave each other a look of pure hatred. I swear, if I was not standing right there watching them, they would have torn each other limb from limb. I ushered Carl out of the room before he said anything else that could make Miss Winters to pop a blood vessel and lose her cool again. I then asked for Winters to sit down at my desk.
          She let out a big huff before half stomping her way over to the chair and plopping herself down in it. She gave a look of disgust and pure anger before saying to me, "Well, what is it that you want to know about me? Since it's obvious I'm here you want to pick my brain and try to break me down from the inside out!" she stated in a highly defensive tone. I looked back at her, after adjusting the glasses only face I spoke,
          "I can tell you are pretty pissed off and on edge about something."
          "I am-!"
          "Let me finish. I wasn't done speaking." I stated while cutting her off abruptly. Lana stared back at me with widened eyes and pent up frustration. I continue my statement calmly, "As I was saying, before you interrupted me; I am not here to try and change your sexual views or who you choose to love and what not, but the only way I can really let you and your fellow friend out is by proving to Sister Jude that you are cured of what it is you have."
          Lana scoffed at me before speaking, "'Friend'. It's funny to see you place her under such an umbrella as 'friend'." I tilted my head slightly and forwarded my brow. She continued in her same cocky tone, "Look, as much as I want to get out of here. She's the one who got us in here in the first place. Why should she get out?" I pondered for a bit and thought to myself before saying to her formally but calmly,
          "Is that so?"
          She stared at me for a bit before answering quickly but quietly with a firmness to her voice, "Yes." while nodding her head simultaneously. I stared back her for a bit before replying with lesser of satisfaction a simple,
          "I see." Her face want pale a little and she stared back at me with confusion and worry written all over it. I could almost see the sweat beads forming on her face.
          "What? Do you think I'm lying or somethin? What is it!? Spit it out!?" She demanded gradually getting more agitated and louder with every word.
          "I'm not saying you are lying. Those words never came out of my mou-."
          "But you where implying it?" She stated while sharply cutting me off. I let out a sigh before fixing my glasses on my face and continuing; I decided to let her cut me off that time since I was almost done with my sentence anyway, but I was able to feel the annoyance of her grow ever so quicker inside me.
          "Lana. I understand you are frustrated but you need to stay calm and let me help you. I believe there is two sides to every story and in between those two sides lies the truth. I want you retell the events of that night in your perspective so I can get a better understanding of the situation and how I can help." I stated calmly with a pacifist tone to my voice.
          She looked back at me with disbelief and shock, as if surprised to see somone listening to her for once. Her mouth was slightly agape as she sat frozen in her chair. We stared back at each other for what felt like forever before speaking in a calm and relaxed tone.
          "W-where should I start? she asked with a tone of distraction from all the thoughts spinning in her head.
          "Start wherever is comfortable. Try to maybe close your eyes and think back to the beginning. You are in the living room of your house." I stated with a calm reassuring tone.
          "Alright..." she said with a relaxed tone to her voice as she shut her eyes. There was a focused look on her face as if she was trying to think back to that day. Her eyebrow twitched alittle while her faced changed with every passing thought.
          "I remember we had gotten into an argument again. I don't know what [Y/N] had told you, but she has a long list of issues that I can't even begin to describe." she stated with a tone of annoyance to her voice. I stared for a bit at her while tilting my head slightly allowing her to continue. "So, we got into another one of our daily screaming matches again. I mostly do the screaming while she cowards and tries to be in denial of her mental health issues. Now, before I continue I want to know that things were not always like this between her and I, so don't go off saying that I was the one who caused all this. Ok!" She said while emphasizing on her last few phrases to be sure she got her point across.
          I nodded to her before saying, "Continue..."
          "I did care for her and loved her, but she has issues and she's just ... too much for me; especially since I have the shortest of fuses. I know she comes from a rough past and what her family, mostly her father had done to her... it did break my heart when I was told the story in hellish detail, but it still is no excuse for somone to deny their mental health and not properly attend to it!" She rambled with a mix of hurt and anger in her voice.
          "I see." I stated with a breathy sigh to my voice I sat up right in my chair and continued to take notes. I checked back up at the clock to see the time and I saw we had about 10 mins left before the session was over. I looked back at Lana feeling alot of mixed emotions towards her. I silently agreed to myself she does have quite the temper and I'm sure [Y/N] father also had the same thing, which only caused her to date people similar to him. What a shame I thought, how even after the abuse is over it still has a funny way of creeping back into our life under the radar.
         "Look, are you done examining like I'm some Guinea Pig or something?" she asked with harsh sarcasm to her voice.
          "Do you think, her past abuse is the reason she dates you?" I asked knowing full well where this was going and preparing for the worst.
          "Wh-What do you mean, her abuse being the reason she chose to be with me." Lana says slowly while giving me a look that emitted only cold and callous thoughts.
          "What I am trying to say is sometimes, well, most times actually, girls who grew up amongst abusive fathers tend to grow up and date men or well in this case women of similar tendencies." I said with an great amount of bluntness to my voice and words. She looked at me with shock and then rage..
          Lana stood up aggressively, knocking the wooden chair to the floor which caused a huge clatter to echo throughout the small office, "I did no such thing! I was not abusive in any way towards her!" Lana shouted with pure hatred as she grabbed the mug on my desk and slamming it to the ground violently, watching as it exploded into a frenzy pieces on the floor, "How could you even say such a thing to me! You have no idea what I did for her! Fuck you! FUCK YOU !!"
          Two guards came bursting into the office grabbing Lana in a attempt to restrain her before she caused more damage to the room or even herself. The gaurds each grabbed an arm twisting it behind her so they could safely put the straight jacket on her without her attempting to get free so she cause more ruckus.
          Lana continued to shout incoherent slurs at me as she was forcefully dragged out of my office kicking and screaming. I watched as she faded down the hallway back to her cell, her screams lowering in volume as the distance between us increased.
          Carl walked up behind me near my office entrance and leaned up against the wall making an exasperated sigh.
          "Well... that was pretty insane. I wonder what ticked her off so badly. Hehe..." Carl said causally, chuckling at the end of his sentence, "Hehehe... So! what did you say to cause her to go into a fit of rage. I mean, don't get me wrong; I know Lana can be real a hot head at times but god damn. I didn't know she could possess the power of the devil at will, am I right!?" Carl stated nonchalantly throwing in a joke at the end to add some kind of humor to what he was saying.
           Noticing his question was rhetorical I turned back to my office and shut the door gently choosing not to respond him. I walked back to my desk, sat down and placed the manila folder that read "Lana Winters" up top in my desk along side "[Y/N] [L/N]". Letting out an exasperated sigh I looked over at the clock hanging on the wall, it read 8:50 p.m. Realizing it was time for me to head out.
          I proceeded to gather my belongings together for home, locked my office door and proceeded to make way to the entrance of the building to leave. When I opened the front door to the Manor I felt the cool spring wind hit my face and the smell of nature find comfort in my senses. I made my way to my car and drove home in the night. I drove while thinking of Sister Jude, Carl, Lana and [Y/N]; sweet, sweet  [Y/N]... What would I do without her.

When I'm out of control, and I'm out of my m ind

Just remember one thing, I think I'm just fine

So catch me when I fall, I won't remember anything at all
So catch me when I fall

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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