My Young Darling Brenden

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It has been 3 years since i have seen your face

2 years since i have heard your voice

You were 7

I was 12

I was getting inside of a police car

When you ran to my side and said in your hushed tone

"Please dont go."

I only respond with

"I have too."

Little did you know i was getting in that car, because Daddy wouldn't let me go home

I was visiting him, and you

I wanted to go home

I used to tell you,

"A bird may leave the nest, but it always comes back home."

I remember the nights you would hug me so tight and say,

"I'm never letting go."

The you would fall asleep in my arms

No matter how many times i said i wouldn't leave

I always did

This one time, your mom

Grabbed me up by the throat

And told me to stay away from you

She was a drunk, and an addict

She was never home

I would cook you meals

Hold your hand

Listen to your stories

I would kiss your boo boo's

I would smile and laugh

I would wipe your tears away

Sometimes I lay in bed at night thinking of you

Did you forget me?

Do you miss me?

I remember all the time you would ask me,

"You'll always love me right?"

I would respond with,

"How could I not."

I loved you like my own child

I think about all the thing your mother did to you

How in the Hell, can someone do that to their own child

Give them a scar that no one can ignore

That scar on your lip

You were running away from you mom

She slapped you

Your face hit a picture frame on the wall

She left afterwards to go to the bar

I came and help you in my arms

Saying im sorry, i should've helped you

I wont let this happen anymore

Yet, I did leave

I got into the policeman's car and left

All because, i wanted to go see my mom

My family

I left you

And im sorry

I was born brand new, yet inside i was 35

Already grown up because the people around us were childish

Already knowing the consequences in the world

Because of the lack of protection

Already a "mother"

Because of crappy parents

My little Darling


You would always try and tell me metaphors

Saying, "The sun will shine tomorrow, and you will too."

"Your just a caterpillar, you just need to take the time to become a butterfly."

I never realised you knew i was gonna leave one day

I never meant to hurt you

I never meant to break my promise

I always tell myself that I love you

And one day, i'll come and get you

And take you far away from the hell you call home

I look at myself and realise

Im this person because of you

Your eyes deeper blue than the sea

Your breath always cooling, and comforting

Your smile, shines a light in the darkest dark

Your tears, come from the ocean

Your blood, half belonging to me

Your hair, more golden than the sun

Your hands, so strong and calloused

Your laugh so intoxicating

Everyone laughs with you

I cant come and see you

Even though i wish i could

If i had one wish

It would be for you to be happy

WIth no pain

So you wouldn't  have to battle for life everyday

So you wouldn't have to wish for something better

I would make your life, so easy

I would make everyday an adventure

When i thought i was lying on my deathbed

You were in my thoughts

Me thinking you weren't going to see me before i die

Broke everything i ever believed in

Even though i'm better now

I couldn't help but thing i was abandoning you

My rage burning thinking that the ods were taking me away

I swore you were forever burnt into my memory

So i could look into every mirror

And see you

So i wont forget My darling

Im still here waiting for you

So i can remember

That you are my reason for living

Forever Forget Me Nots make me think of you

A child wailing, will make me find them

Forever thinking its you

Every raindrop, will remind me of our rainy days

We are a far apart

But i will forever be in your heart

My Darling Brenden

Don't forget our promise

We Will Always Find Each Other, Even After Death

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