This was a suicide note, plz dont judge...

21 0 7

Quiet... It is not a word, It is an action, I am quiet because I have been silenced so many times, There is no voice even there, I have poor posture because my back has been stabbed many times, It doesn't exist anymore, I have no confidence It is just me though, I cant...I wont change that It makes me special, Reserved, Except 1 thing, People can be cruel, Unkind, even Bullies, The ones who have it rough, But what about the kind and generous, The ones who also have it rough, But smile every day Because that is what is expected of them, Cause they want to make the change I want to make the change, But for me there are things in the way, And it's not that I let them get in the way, They are just there in front of me, Too close, And now im letting it all go...Because i am no longer quiet,I am not going to speak, I'm going to shout, Shout out that the world Is not what you think, You can be yourself, And not care what people think. But no that is not the real world because the real world will tell you to...SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!Then im silent again, and reserved, my back disappears again, my voice gone, and HE called me beautiful tried to make me believe, but sadly I couldn't believe, because I am lonely and depressed, he was the only one who actually liked me, i have friends, but their rainbows, I am black and cold... he didn't like me, he loved me... and I broke it, then she came tried too, but no... because I can't keep anything close to me without breaking it. Because i killed them all!...Me Dumb stupid meInsecureLittle old meBroke the world Broke my best friend My "Boyfriend"I couldn't fix this, not again, and I swore that I would never find love, because it doesn't last, at least not for me, my brain is so full shit, so I can't make room for my conscience... I am a heartless monster so I am quiet.....Life gives you a choice go down the right path, or walk the other way...I haven't chosen yet...But have I...All we see is the right and the wrong...But what about the invisible...What about me?No one will ever know, because I am invisible....The reason that we right these is so we can learn what kind of fucked up world we live in so we slave away because we are not good enough we are teens and we do not have any rights over our lives chosen for us cause apparently i slit my wrists until I feel satisfied seeing myself bleed made me feel strong, it is self abuse how I feel when I break myself, sticks and stones can't break my bones... BULL SHIT! I'm not a regular teen, i hate sympathy, but i'm accident prone so i get so much, I pity the ones who pity me, because the act like if they suck up to me just enough, ill except them but you know what you guys Fuck-Off... leave me alone .... Let me hide in the dark. Alone were i can't hurt anyone kill me now I can't count how many times I'll want to commit suicide it hurts so much, i don't care anymore. I slash my wrist over and over again because i want to feel pain , i want to feel broken, this isnt a metaphorical scar this is a real scar that wont disappear, because this is life and you ave to live through life over and over again, and you are never free, and you are never satisfied, because life is a bitch you cant fuck on a regular basis, so dont try and break the rules, roll with the punches, and make life a piece of shit because were worth it, no thats another lie you think this is a retarded speech, well guess what i've got more, listen up "elder's" you dont mean shit to me you think you have more power over me you are wrong, i am not your bitch i am not your slut, if any thing, Im gods hoe... but like i said before im grey who wants a grey friend or hoe , no loves me, people always tell me to pacify myself absolutely not. Burning the place in my heart is all the insults people have told me, what do they know, what do you all know you don't own me, my mommy hates me, break my heart I'll rip yours to pieces, back your pussy ass off, I can commit suicide if I please


Ugh what do i need? 

don't apologize, 

everything you say is true.

I don't need you looking after me 

I'm a person who made the decision to let go.

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