Chapter 12

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Mattia looked up at the ceiling. He had plenty of thoughts running through his head, yet all he wanted to do was sleep his problems away.

He thought about his encounter with Cindy at school. The way she had looked him up and down when he asked what she was doing in his seat. The way she twirled her blonde hair around her pencil.

Mattia instantly sat up and shook his head, desperate to rid the thought of her, as if Elena would know he was thinking of her. Reaching over, he picked up his phone, no messages. He'd been desperately waiting for Elena to call all day, but she must've been busy with school. He sighed and got out of bed. He saw the cigarette packet on his nightstand and thought about tossing them in the bin. But no luck.


He picked up a towel as he stepped out the shower. Water was dripping from his hair, and he faintly heard a door opening and then closing again. The last time he checked, he was home alone. Mom was probably home. Mattia wrapped the towel around his waist and headed back to his room. As he walked back to his room, he was hit with a familiar scent.


Adrenaline rushed through him as he headed for his room. Was Elena back? Was she surprising him? Mattia wasted no time, and burst into his room. But, his excitement quickly turned to disappointment, when he saw Cindy Locks sat on his bed.

"What the fuck?" said Mattia, closing the door behind him in case his family entered the house. A smile spread across Cindy's face when she got a reaction from Mattia. It was exactly what she'd hoped. The fact that he was shirtless was just a bonus. She stood up and walked over to him. Mattia looked down at her in confusion, slightly backing up.

"I thought we could pick up from where we left off"

Her eyes were full of lust, Mattia could see that clearly. She wasn't good news, she was anything but good. Mattia shook his head and tried to avoid looking at her. Her outfit was barely there, a hot pink crop top with the shortest shorts you've ever seen. Mattia knew everything about this situation was just wrong.

"Get out my house" he sneered, but she didn't move a muscle. It'd have to take a lot more than empty threats to try phase Cindy.

"Whyy Mattia" she giggled, and reached out to him. She slipped her hand into his and took a step closer. She seductively licked her lips, raising herself up by standing on her toes.

"This is wrong" mumbled Mattia, loosely holding onto Cindy's hand. Her lips curved upwards, her eyes flickering down towards his lips. She knew exactly what she was doing. And exactly who she was going to hurt.

"But doesn't it feel so right?" she whispered, sliding her free hand into Mattia's hair. He looked down, guilt was written all over his face. He was already regretting everything that'd happened in the past five minutes. Cindy moves her lips over to Mattia's ear as he poorly tried to resist her advances.

"She doesn't have to know" she said in a hushed tone. But that wasn't the end of it. Without any warning, Cindy bit down onto Mattia's earlobe, sending electricity through him. He shut his eyes tight. She was right. Elena wouldn't ever find out if both of them kept their mouths shut. They'd already gotten this far, what would be the harm in going the whole way?

He looked in her eyes and relaxed his shoulders a little. She raised her eyebrows slightly, waiting for his answer.

"She's never going to find out, okay?" he pleaded, as Cindy wrapped both her arms around his neck.

"Bible" she answered.

Placing his hands on her waist Mattia nodded slowly, taking in what he just said. Was he really about to put his relationship with Elena on the line? A good, healthy, loving relationship?

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting you"

Cindy snapped Mattia out of his thoughts, as she brushed her lips against his. They were soft against his. Without waiting for his reply, she leaned in and planted her lips onto Mattia's. Showing no signs of hesitation, Mattia passionately kissed her back and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as Mattia carried her over to his bed. Without breaking their kiss, he set her down and hovered above her. He bit down onto her lower lip, causing her to moan into his mouth, which turned Mattia on even more. He lifted up her top and pulled it over her head, she had no complaints. But she wanted the same energy back, as she tugged on the towel wrapped around Mattia's waist. He smirked and let her pull it off. She blushed a deep red when she saw what she saw, but it only made her want him even more. Mattia got into bed with her and she kissed his neck, leaving hickeys wherever her lips touched. Mattia's wandering hands reached down to her shorts, but before he could do anything else, his phone went off. Cindy pulled away and looked at Mattia in annoyance. He groaned and reached over to see who it was. Elena's name flashed up on the screen and he immediately felt ashamed.

"Who is it?" snapped Cindy, her hands travelling down his chest. Mattia shook his head and declined the call.

"No one" he replied, turning his phone off.


Mattia lit the cigarette, whilst Cindy laid on his chest. He had one hand wrapped around her and the other holding the cigarette between his lips.

"That was literally the best sex I've ever had" gushed Cindy, leaning forward and kissing Mattia's cheek. He turned his attention to her and nodded.

"That's it?" she said, plucking the cigarette away from Mattia's lips and placing it between hers.

"No one can find out about this" he thought aloud. Cindy agreed not to tell anyone.
It was a secret, and not one Mattia was particularly proud of.

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