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A/N: Hello and welcome! I'm super excited to be starting this story! I just wanted to start out with a WARNING (Yes in the first chapter) There are very triggering topics in this part, a scene containing sexual assault. There will be more to come like this and I will put a warning on every chapter that needs it. If you are uncomfortable please feel free to skip over it. I hope you enjoy, I would love some feedback! :) (This has been revised but if I missed stuff let me know)



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"Mother!" The young girl screeched, desperate to break free of the grip around her arms. Florence watched in disbelief as her mother merely turned a blind eye. Retreating back into her home where Florence was ripped from just moments before.

Sobs wracked her body, salty tears blurred her vision. Her chest burned, aching and pleading for air the harder she cried. The large men on either side of her kept firm grips on her thin arms, sure to cause bruises on her milky skin. Her feet dragging behind her as she wasn't given the opportunity to walk on her own. An animal, she was no more to them than that she was sure.

"Stop!" She chanted over and over. Only receiving grunts in response. Tightening their grip somehow even more. Florence was sure her arms would break any second.

"Shut up already." One muttered, "We've had enough of your dramatics."

"You will burn in hell, I promise you! I'll see to it myself; both of you! If it is the last thing I do! " Florence jabbed as she continued to fight against them. Finally getting a foot down into the patchy grass below her. Tearing through in an attempt to root her heels in the dirt. She believed it had worked until realizing the men stopped on their own.

She was caught off guard by a bellowing laugh shaking her to her core. She'd never heard a more sinister sound. Florence rose her head to find who it belonged to, her eyes falling first on a large horse, trailing up to meet those of a large man.

Ginger hair sat atop his head in wiry strands, skin just as fair as her own. He was large, plump even. His belly rounded as a sign of wealth and a large groomed beard to tie it all together. If he wasn't a king he surely was trying to imitate one.

"Quite ungrateful you are. We take you from nothing more than a wilting shack. A village of no achievements and this is how you thank us?" The man tsked at the young girl, hopping down from his horse to meet his men. He looked down upon Florence's small frame, "Care to thank us now?"

Florence's face twisted into a sneer. Lip curling as she spat in his face, effectively wiping the smile from it. His jaw ticked, Florence watched as he brought his chubby pale fingers to his face. Aggressively wiping away the mess she created.

"Take her to the back."

Her brave facade slipped as she was yanked away from the man.

"No." Florence pleaded, whining as the larger of the two men holding her gripped her copper locks. He began dragging her towards the end of their line of horses. Florence's own hands rose to the one planted at her scalp, attempting to relieve some of the pain rather than fighting away.

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