Clark tries Part 20

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The halls of Wayne Manor were quiet as Alfred and Clark sat in one of the manors many living rooms waiting and worrying. Alfred finally broke to silence

Alfred: "Master Clark?"

Clark: "huh? Yes, Mr.Alfred"

Alfred: "Could I ask a favor of you? Their something I'd like to try to help find Bruce."

Clark: "Oh, yes, Sure."

Alfred: "I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't desperate, but still, you can say no."

Clark: "Anything, Alfred, tell me."

Alfred: Well, I'm aware that your super strength isn't limited to just your muscles and body.

Clark: You want me to try my supervision and superhearing on Gotham to find Bruce

Clark thought about it, anyone who saw him wearing his glasses would simply assume he had evil eyes. However, they'd be wrong his eyes weren't weak; they were strong, possibly the strongest. Clark could see for miles ahead, down small to microscopic levels and through walls like an x-ray. If a song was playing on the other side of a city, he could sing right along. However, Clark had little control over these abilities, and he struggled to hold them back. Clark's vision was the worst. One eye would become telescope, the other would become a microscope, and then the x-ray vision kicked in. Seeing so much at once hurt like nothing else. While his hearing had eventually tuned things out, although Clark still couldn't wear headphones, his eyes had never adjusted. Had his parents not given him these special glasses, he'd have to keep his eyes closed at all times.

Alfred: Master Bruce has informed me of how painful it is for you to use this ability, but if you're willing to...

Clark: Oh yeah, I 'm definitely willing. I wished I'd thought of it myself sooner.

Pain or not, if there was a chance to help find his best friend Clark would endure. Clark grabbed his Blue hoodie and ran outside. In one leap, he hopped up to the roof of Wayne Manor and took a deep breath.

Clark: "alright, just try and focus it."

Clark takes off his glasses, unleashing his vision, and looks out over Gotham. City buildings became suburb streets and then fields of crops. Clark could hear club music, ocean waves, and airplanes flying. Clark tried to focus his vision and his hearing to just Gotham City, to just Bruce Wayne. As he looked towards the city again, the mass landscapes condensed into just Gotham. Then to just the streets that for some reason had skeletons walking about, then only one skeleton, then that one skeletons teeth and the bacteria inside of it. When random flashes of colors started to overload him, Clark tumbled back and fell Into a skylight on Wayne Manor roof.

Alfred, who was watching Clark form inside, race to the boy's side. "Good lord, Master Clark, are you alright?"

Closing his eyes and raining in his hearing, he breathed deeply and put back on his glasses, that thankfully he hadn't fallen on. As the world stopped flashing and screaming, Clark hoisted himself up onto his knees. He looked at a concerned Alfred

Alfred: Master Clark, are you alright?

Clark: No, the stupid power is useless. It was just too much for me to isolate Bruce's face or voice. Honestly, even if I had seen Bruce, I wouldn't have been able to know where he was.

Alfred: I meant, are you alright, son?

Clark: Oh me, I'm fine, That wasn't my first 4 story fall.

In the heart of Gotham, within the former bottle center, and his horde of 20-ish men sit around the center at a bunch of tables. The inside of the building had where high shelves that were filled with supplies and weapons, conveyor belts each with a big dispenser above it, in large vats of various chemicals and potions scattered around. In the upper part of the building in the ceilings that were rafters, presumably for pouring mixtures into the dispensers.

Goon 1: So boss, do we still get paid if the Wayne kid dies?

Carmine: Hmm, our client wanted the Wayne disturbed not dead, but I doubt it's a big deal, we'll know in a couple minute when he calls

Goon 2 hope he calls soon, that way we can get away from to potions Joe's brewing, why is he making so much?"

Joe was standing atop one of the big dispensers brewing and mixing new potions for the gang.

Carmine Falcone: Hey, you saw what the runt's bottles could do, the kids got a gift for mixing them things. So I let'em use the big chemical vats, so it's easier to bottle all the stuff, but yeah, the gas from that stuff will drive anyone mad.

Joe: Yep too much of this stuff, and who knows what will happen to you, hehehe

Carmine: Little freak.

Suddenly, all the lights when out.

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