July 16th, 2005

187 3 2

Before I start with anything, I should probably say why I'm starting this journal. Truth is, I've started one for a short while during my junior year of high school, but quit shortly after, due to an experience of my journal almost being caught by Reese. I can't imagine the torturous humiliation he would've put me through if he found this- and so I burned it.

But now that I'm finally free from that place, I've decided now would be a good time to start another journal as I found my past one a relaxing way to express my thoughts and... I guess you would say emotions. Not that I want to turn this into a girly diary or anything. This is a journal- a man's journal, that is.
I seem to have always spoken better with written words rather than verbal. Maybe it's because I have enough time to ponder and erase any mistakes.

Anywho, this is technically my first day of being alone in Boston. My mom went home on her flight last night after a few days of sticking with me to help me get settled in. It feels weird, but amazing at the same time. I've been wanting to be independent from my household and my family for so long, and while they'll always be a part of me, I can't help but be grateful for the break from them. The world seems entirely upside down now that I can form my own rules. It doesn't matter if I want to run around in my birthday suit and eat nothing but pizza, as long as it follows my own regulations, I'm allowed to do whatever my heart desires; in fact, I've had nothing but a root beer and some M&Ms for lunch, not the grub mom always fed us. I feel sick to my stomach, but it's the freedom of choice that counts.

I've already explored around the campuses of Harvard with my mom already. The buildings, the art, the libraries, the history... All of it is like a dream to me. I can't imagine all I'll be able to get done here. I can finally explore what I want, without hearing things like "Oh, Malcolm, don't bring asbestos into the garage, that's too dangerous", and "Malcolm, what in the world did you make- it's burning my eyes". I have so many new opportunities here, I don't even know where to begin. It's almost overwhelming.

My apartment is decent, I suppose. I do have a cockroach problem, as well as leaded water, thin walls and horny neighbors. But it's nothing I can't fix, really. My home before was garbage and I had no issues fixing that up, I'm sure this will be no different. This place is small, but at least besides the cockroaches it looks decent- it also has A/C, laundromats, and even a gym. I'm planning on getting jacked up this summer to impress girls once I finally start college.

I should stop writing for now, I have things to unpack and messes to clean. Hopefully this won't be a repeat of my last journal.

[NOTES: I'm praying this wasn't out of character, I tried my best to make it Malcolm while making it obvious that he's writing instead of talking. Sorry if this was boring, I will try to spruce it up later. Please leave honest reviews!]

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