July 22nd, 2005

47 0 0

Tonight is very rainy and oddly chilly for a July night, and as turns out this apartment doesn't have good heating. Perhaps Boston has chillier weather than I thought, even in the summer. It's not too bad, Mom let me take one of my old blankets and I've been using that to cover up with. It still smells like chocolate syrup from the time Reese and Dewey tried making sundaes in bed. Reese hid chocolate syrup from mom under my blanket without telling me, and I lied down and got a very unpleasant surprise. There were also cherries under Reese's and the actual ice cream under Dewey's. They planned on having a secret sundae night- a night where they stayed up till dawn eating all the ice cream they could eat and goofing off in their room. They didn't invite me, which I must admit was quite hurtful even though I thought it was stupid.
They left me out from a lot of things...

I met my new neighbor today. Her name is Beatriz Pereira, and apparently she grew up in Portugal.
I had a few hours to meet with her when we bumped into the laundromat in our building and we introduced ourselves. She invited me back to her apartment where she made us some frozen pizza, which was heavenly compared to the stuff I've been eating.
She came to Boston two years ago to graduate from Harvard with a degree in Folklore and Mythology, and although I nodded along as she explained what she was studying for, I had a very hard time keeping my mouth shut. Seriously, who comes to Harvard to study stuff that doesn't even exist? But despite that, we still had delightful conversations.
She grew up in a moderately wealthy family; her father owned a chain of furniture stores that were popular in Portugal and her mother was a travelling nurse, and she has four other sibling, like me (for a while we thought Mom was going to have another one, but luckily, someone at Lucky Aide thought it'd be funny to switch all the real tests with prank ones. Unluckily, the nausea and irritabilty came from menopause). We stayed and chatted for a while, but I wanted to stay longer. She was beautiful, interesting, smart, sexy, witty, and unique. I asked her if she wanted to come back to my apartment sometime, and my heart skipped a beat when she said yes. Next Wednesday. I'm going to try and make something exotic, but in all honesty, the best I might be able to do is noodles and eggs with a hint of hot sauce with a dessert of root beer sundaes.

In other news, Mom called up to check up on me yesterday and I told her I was doing fine. She said she felt like I was lying and hiding which started an argument. She's right, but I don't want to talk about it. Especially with her. I hung up on her before she could say anything too hurtful. Reese has been calling me quite frequently and we've been talking a surprising amount about our lives. My phone bill is probably going to go through the roof, but as long as it's keeping me less lonesome, it's worth it.

So far, my life in Boston isn't too horrible, but I also hope that things will start looking up. I could be doing better.

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