August 1st, 2005

51 0 0

Alright, so needless to say, Beatriz wasn't the loveliest person that I thought she was.
After graciously inviting her to dinner at my apartment (it was Chef Boyardee lasagna with cans of Sprite, but still), she invited me to bed and I was obviously quite excited, thinking that maybe this was a blooming relationship. When I woke up, she was gone, along with half of the food in my cupboards, and my rainy day jar filled with coins... jokes on her, it only has $12.82. But that's nothing compared to my watch and my DVD player. If you add up all she stole, it's approximately... $128. May not seem like a lot to anyone else, but that's three days of working multiple jobs with illegal wages for me.

I contacted the police and apparently she's a common nuisance around Boston, taking unsuspecting non-Bostoners to bed only to rob them the second they fall into a deep sleep. Oh, and fun fact, her name isn't actually Beatriz, it's Rebecca Jones, and her dad isn't an entrepreneur, he's her partner in crime. They've been looking for them for about a year now.

Now that a large chunk of my valuables and change is gone, and now that I can't watch all the wrestling matches I have recorded, I'm afraid I'm gonna be set back quite a bit financially for a while.
I called Francis first and told him everything that happened and he promised to send me $50 to help me out, then I called Reese who claimed so helpfully, "shit happens, that's why you don't bring random broads to your house." Mom said that this was punishment for being too trusting around "pretty bimbos", but at least she's gonna try and help out and send a few bucks my way.

Luckily, I still had some food to survive on. Albeit, it's mostly old cans of hominy, green beans, and canned onions... I'll find a way to make it taste good. I went down to the church for their bi-weekly food charity handout for run out of luck bums like myself. They gave me a surprising amount of goods after telling me about the miracle of Jesus and the disgusting behaviors of homosexuality for an hour. Do I feel grossed out for accepting their food? Yes, but it's not like I have much choice.

I know it's all a bunch of bullshit, with Christianity and going to Hell for eternity for something you were born with, but I can't help but getting upset by it... not like she was talking about me. But... I don't know, it makes me feel horrible. Like I'm doing something wrong. And I'm not even gay...
...well... no, no, I'm not. I'm not. I'm attracted to women, I'm straight. End of discussion.

Anywho, I miss my brothers. Reese has been telling me about his life with Craig at his apartment, and Reese seems to have gotten a cat with Craig, named Roberto. Seems like he's having fun. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss him. When did he turn into a guy that adopts cats with an old geek?

I got to stop writing for now, I got to run to an orientation on campus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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