Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Harry stirred around in the bed and realized that Stella was missing. He woke up and sat up, looking around for a sign of her.

"Stella?" He called out, waiting for a response.

However, when he did not receive on he got out of the bed and started to look around the studio for her. He looked everywhere and she was nowhere to be seen. He grabbed his phone and called her number, waiting for her to respond but she didn't pick up. It wasn't until he ran past the living room that he saw a note sat on the edge of the table. He picked it up and read it.

"Hey, when you wake up I'll be gone. I was feeling sick and didn't want to bother you. I'm back at the apartment and will probably be in my room until I feel better. Love, Stella." He read the letter out aloud.

His phone then rang which he quickly grabbed.

"Stella?" He asked, hoping that it'd be her.

"Not quite." Jeff replied.

"Damn." Harry breathed out.

"Isn't she with you?" He asked.

"She went home because she felt sick." Harry informed.

"She was fine last night." Jeff said.

"I know. I'm worried." Harry sighed.

"I'm sure everything is fine. Anyways, I was calling to let you know that I was going to be at the studio in like ten minutes. Wanted to give you a heads up in case, you know." He explained to him.

"Okay. See you soon then." Harry hung up.

As Harry waited for Jeff and the rest of the guys to arrive, Stella sat at home on the piano bench with a bottle of Gin in her hands. Mascara marks were all underneath her eyes as tears slowly rolled down her face.

"When it was good, it was bittersweet, honey. You made me sad, 'till I loved the shade of blue. I know you don't want to talk to me, so this is what I will do. Maybe you're listening, so here's one last song for you." She sang along to Sam Smith's 'One Last Song.'

Stella wasn't one who normally got overwhelmed with her feelings because she tended to push them down and bury them inside of her. However, everything eventually comes out and when it was her feelings, she'd explode. Stella hadn't had a bad day like this in months. She had officially hit her rock bottom yet again.

With everything that happened with Sean and her mother's death, Stella was a mess. Harry was her breaking point though and she didn't even blame him. She blamed herself. He expressed his feelings for her several times and every time she ignored them. She was the reason for her downfall.

As the song ended, Stella sat in silence for a few minutes, staring at the front door, secretly wishing that Harry would have chased after her. She was waiting for him to come and comfort her and tell her that everything was going to be okay. She just wanted to be wrapped up in his arms, the smell of him clouding her senses. She wanted to look him in the eyes and tell him how she felt. It was too late for that now though.

"I miss you when I least expect it. I miss the way you feel on my lips," She sang, grabbing a guitar as she thought about the kiss she had shared with Harry and how she should've told him then that he was the one. "And I don't know when I'll see you again. I miss you when I least expect it. So when are you coming home?" She sobbed out, coming up with a new song.

She grabbed a notebook and pen, starting to write down a bunch of lyrics that reflected how she felt.

"Feelings were fleeting but now I'm surrounded. Visions of you shaved into the side of my head and as I sleep on the other side of the country, I wonder how it feels to be safe in the palm of your hand." She came up with the second verse, the notebook paper getting ruined by the amount of tears that were falling on it.

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