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Introduction to Moral of the Story,
the Sequel to Fine Line.

Three days have passed by and now Harry was driving back to the apartment after his trip to New York City. He had called Stella several times every single day, hoping to get in touch with her but he had no luck because there was no response from her. Harry was just minutes away from the apartment and he was sweating like crazy in his Gucci suit despite the fact that the air conditioner was blasting. He went to New York to record a new campaign ad for Gucci and left right as soon as he was done with it. Hence why he was in a Gucci suit. In the passenger seat of his car, he had a bouquet of roses for Stella. He was hoping that the timing was right and that they could finally be together.

As he pulled up to the driveway, he noticed that Stella's jeep was gone. He sat in his car for a few minutes before getting out and entering the apartment.

"Stella?" He called out her name, getting deja vu of the last time he ran around the apartment shouting her name.

Once he realized that she wasn't home, he went to the piano and impatiently waited for her to come home. Within ten minutes, he heard a knocking on the door which made him rush to his feet. He practically ran to the door with the flowers in his hand, opening up the door only to be disappointed.

"Sean?" He asked, not expecting it to have been him.

"Yeah." He shortly said, the atmosphere filling up in an uncomfortable tension.

"Uh, you can come in if you'd like but Stella isn't home." He told him, opening up the door wider for him to enter in which he did so.

"Actually, that's why I'm here. Do you know where she is?" He asked, the two taking a seat in the living room.

"No. Do you?" Harry asked, his eyebrows knitting in curiosity.

"No. She's been gone for three days now. She stayed the night at Jackson and Jocelyn's and called me in the middle of the night to see if you were home which you weren't and then when I woke up her car was gone. No one has heard from her since. Have you heard anything from her?" Sean explained.

"No, I haven't talked to her at all. I've been calling her for days but no response." Harry said.

"I'm worried. I normally don't go against her back and talk about our conversations but she came to my apartment a couple of weeks ago crying over you," He said which made Harry even more confused than what he already was. "She told me that she likes you but that you had moved on from her. She was a mess. She's come crying to me several times but she was drunk out of her mind and an absolute trainwreck. Jocelyn and her went to a club and Stella ended up grabbing Jocelyn in tears saying that they needed to leave immediately. She wouldn't talk to anyone. Jackson said that he hadn't seen her like this since their mother died. After her mother's passing, Stella went into a deep depression and it took her months to recover. I'm really worried. I went to her room and half of her stuff is gone. She took her keyboard and guitar along with her notebooks where she keeps her songs. Half of her closet is empty, her toothbrush is gone and everything." Sean informed Harry.

"Wait, so she's liked me for weeks now and thought that I moved on from her?" Harry asked, wanting to know if he heard Sean correctly.

"She said that she liked you while she and I were together but didn't want to admit it." Sean told him, his face kind of frowning as he did so.

"But why does she think I've moved on?" Harry asked, not understanding.

"Jocelyn told me that she found a song you wrote about another girl or something. I don't know, man. I just want to find her so I know that she's safe." Sean replied.

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