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(part two of afraid !! but it can be read on its own !!)

"he's what?" kyle's mouth dropped at what you had told them, and you were pretty sure the crouton in his mouth was about to fall right back into his salad.

y/f/n let out a knowing smirk as she fixed her posture, eager to hear more of the story. "so he was jealous" she asks and you can't help but shrug as you bite the inside of your cheek from turning into a small smile. you can't help but think back to the conversation you had that day, had you known he was coming over, you would have presented yourself more nicely that day.

you stay quiet, as you turn back to look at him, you're silent. you stand there in the doorway as you take a look at him, looking for any signs that he was in fact joking. y/c/n had always been a good liar anyways so you wouldn't be surprised if this was another one of his sick jokes.

"say something. anything." y/c/n begged of you as he moved to take your hand but you hid your hand behind your back, as you shook your head, you couldn't believe what he had just said.

"that's clever y/c/n, really fucking clever" you laughed as you shook your head "i'm not dumb enough to believe your lies" you moved again to walk back into your house, but he was quick to grab your hand, pulling you back out on to the porch with him. whether you wanted to or not, he wanted this conversation to happen.

"i'm not lying y/n. i mean what i said. i do love you." y/c/n said. he realizes he's still holding your hand as he goes red, and quickly drops it. you simply stare at him, silently, as he looks back at you. he's busy trying to read you - he can't read you as well as he did before as he takes more time to look for some assurance in your eyes that this would have a good outcome, but he doesn't notice the tears that start to fog you're vision.

"are you crying?" you move your hand to wipe the tear that slips out of your left eye as you let out a sniffle.

"angry" you scoff as you look upwards to blink the rest of the tears away before they have a chance to roll down your cheeks. "i'm angry, y/c/n"

"are you okay?" y/c/n asks concerningly as he moves to put a loving hand on your shoulder but you shrug it off.

"okay?" you ask him, your voice breaking. you nearly choke out a sob and y/c/n hates himself so much in this moment knowing that he was the one who caused this. he wanted nothing but to comfort you in his arms and had he had not been such an asshole, he was pretty sure you would've let him, but things were different. "you pretended not to know me!"

"y/n i'm sor-" "sorry doesn't cut it!" you burst out at him "i tried to talk to you so many times y/c/n. so many times! and you ignored me!"

"i know sorry doesn't cut it bu-"

"you can't expect me to just take you back because you come here on your own accords" you angrily explain as he moves to the side, allowing you to pace back and forth "things went to shit for me, i lost a best friend y/c/n. everything was going well and then you go and do this! don't you want me to be happy?" you fall to your knees, as you hide your face in your hands, allowing quiet sobs to rack your body.

y/c/n is quick to drop to his own knees as he takes your hands away from your face. he hopes you don't notice but his hands are shaking as he wipes the tears from your face and tucks the stray pieces of hair behind your eyes. you give in to your gut feeling as you lean your head forward and cry into the comfort of y/c/n's shoulder. he's there for you, for the first time in two years, as he soothes your muffled sobs with his large hand on the small of your back.

"i know sorry doesn't cut it, nothing can make up for how much of an asshole i've been to you for the past two years y/n, i know that" y/c/n says into your hair as he continues to rub small soft circles into your back. he's not sure if you're even listening to what he's saying, but what matters is that he tells you what he never got to tell you before. "i don't have an excuse for what i did to you, but i would never lie to you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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