You're Good At This

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Izel had been walking in the woods for quite sometime now. She knew the creature was close. But she didn't know how close. But that wasn't a problem because the next thing she knew, the creature was running towards her. She barely got out of it's way and frantically looked around for some sort of weapon. She can't use her powers this much. They'll run out and she needs them quite a bit right now.

But fortunately, she found a pointed enough branch lying around. She picked it up and took a stance and waited for the creature to run at her again. And it did. She again dodged it's attack but this time, stabbed it in the side with the log. It let out a cry of pain, pulled out the log splattering purple blood all over, and ran.

"Really?!" Izel said with an exasperated expression and decided to follow it.


It had been a week now since she has been following the monster. She doesn't know how the hell did it manage to make her chase it for one freaking week! It would run everytime she would confront it and injure it and make her chase it again! And it was bright as day right now and as she was still following the trail. Well, the almost lost trail. And she has also deciphered that maybe the monster is a Troll because it only came out at night, it's skin was green and it smelled awful. She was no Alaric or Dorian but she knew that much. And by now, she doesn't know if the Troll is just fast, or she's just bad at tracking things.

And another thing she found in the week, were the Auras. That's what she's calling them. Sounds better than colours. Most people she came across, were bright white. There were a few exceptions where it was Red. Blue was very rare. She still didn't know what it meant. And she still froze everytime it happened.


So here she was right now, walking through the woods, keeping an eye out for something. Then she saw it. There was something on one the fallen logs. A purple liquid. It's blood. She went near it and smelled it. Yeah, that was a bad idea. And disgusting. So she followed the trail of that and soon, she was standing outside,

"Mystic Falls High School"

"Oh great" she mumbled and went in.

The school was mostly empty. There weren't a lot of students here yet. And it was also the first day of school after Summer break apparently. She hasn't been here for... 4 months almost. She sighed and followed the blood trail. And soon it led her towards the janitor's closet. It was locked, so she quietly muttered a spell while looking around to make sure no one was there,

"Dessera Portus"

And the door opened. Only for her to find nothing in there.

"Aren't you too short to be a janitor?" a guy from beside her asked.

She embarrassingly jumped.

"Well, it's good to see that I'm not the only one looking to hide on the first day of school" he said with a smirk.

Then she decided to embarrassingly ramble and tried to do damage control,

"Oh uh.. No! I was just uh... Looking for the principal's office" she rambled on.

"Well! You're in luck. I'm new too but I'm pretty sure that's him behind you" he said with a small smile and pointed behind her.

Izel's eyes widened in surprise and she immediately turned around. Only to be frozen there looking at who it was. And the aura, of course. White. Hey, atleast she wasn't just frozen for one reason, right?

"Hi. I'm principal Saltzman. Who are you?" Alaric introduced himself and asked politely snapping her back to reality.

And that hurt to hear.

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