The Blues and Sunshines

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*Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter, and it was alot to think about, but I finally got it all done. Hopefully, in the future I will get to see more Bispearl fandom! Starting with this book, I want you guys to read, enjoy, and like!*


"Dud duh dummm..she said shut up and dance with me.." I was humming along to the song that Steven and Amethyst taught me how to dance too. It was definitely something different since all I knew how to do was the waltz, but not anymore. I certainly learned that you should just feel the music, just move your body the way you want to each beat and let go! Even though I had fun dancing to the amazing song, just thinking about her made it all more fun. "...this woman is my destiny, she said ooh ooh-"

Walking on the left side of the beach house heading towards little homeworld, I began to get an earful of soft sobs as if they weren't supposed to be heard. I quickly turned around to see if Steven and Amethyst was outside, but they went in after I left to go play video games. I continued to walk over to the far left of the Crystal Temple as I could hear the sounds of the sobs getting louder. I placed my ear to a wall of rock that formed the temple, and figured somehow it was coming from inside but it was so close. I took five footsteps over until I wasn't touching rock anymore, instead it was a thick covering of faux vines made to look like an entryway.

I slowly stepped back, nervous that I was invading the gems privacy. No one ever told me about this place, so maybe I'm not supposed to be here...
I was about to walk away, but didn't get farther than an inch when I heard a sob that was louder than the others that whispered upon my ears. I turned around to look back at the protective curtain of vines, and breathed in before brushing them aside to walk on in to the sheltered area.

Walking in, the place was dimly lit from the sun, making it somewhat easier to see. Starring down what looked like a long corridor, I saw a brighter light around the corner. I traveled down the seventeen feet walkway until I came face to face with such an enchanting sight.

The room resembled a small cave opening, but made into a more dry, warm, and comforting area. It was magnificent, and all more wonderful when I looked right in the center of the room. There sat the main gem I could never keep my mind off of, she sat with her knees to her chest as she softly sighed. Not sensing my presents, I cautiously thought of how to announce myself without scaring her, which is the hardest task since I'm not supposed to be in here.

"Ummm..knock knock." I said as cheerful as I could to lighten up the mood, but it didn't work  as I thought it would. The petite gem quickly got up from her sitting position before whipping her pale tear-stained cheeks. "Pearl, it's just me. Sorry I didn't mean to scare ya."

"Well, it's the second time today, Biz." She said dusting off her pants before chuckling a little through teary eyes. I hummed as I was now worrying about my friend, she didn't want to make eye contact with me at all, which was weird. "How did you know I was here?"

"I heard crying, so I came to check it out. I didn't mean to bother you, I'll just..." Pearl cut me off immediately as I was beginning to back out the beautifully lite room.

"No, no, it's okay. Stay. I enjoy your company. Gives us a little girl time after years being apart, ha." I immediately swallowed at the mention of her liking my company. Steven was right. I softly grinned as the gem patted a spot beside her. I took a seat on what was a thick plushy, fluffy bluish-green blanket that covered the stoned ground, and to be honest I liked the feel of it.

To nervous to look at her directly while being so close to her, I took the time to glance around the room. It was so beautiful, crystals were everywhere shining brighter than any star I've ever seen. It was as if they all held the sun inside of itself, stealing sunlight without a soul knowing. I spotted a shelf of books that was neatly in order from top to bottom, but some books didn't equally have a spot on the shelf themselves as they were neatly stacked on the ground. One that laid by the gem was opened, giving the thought that she comes here to read..and cry?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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