Part 7

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(Y/n) looked around the room that Gaara was temporarily staying in. "This is a garbage dump," said she. "Well, four boys staying under one roof, I don't expect it to look any cleaner." Gaara sat down on his bed.

(Y/n) stood awkwardly not knowing what to do. Gaara was being an awful host ' Maybe Sasuke worked his 'I'm going to be an asshole'  spell on him.'  (y/n) choosing not to start the conversation went around looking at the photos in the  room.

There were photos of Sasuke, Itachi together posing holding a huge fish. There was one photo where the detective, Shisui was holding Itachi by the shoulder laughing. There was also a picture of Gaara, Sasuke,Naruto in what (y/n) assumed to be a bar.  'Interesting'

Gaara was staring intently at (y/n). "You won't find any treasure behind the picture," Gaara said whilst closing his eyes and laying down. "Come, join me." Gaara patted the empty space beside him. (Y/n) a bit hesitant, obliged and laid right next to him.

"Why did you call me Gaara? I told you that we could meet up before you were leaving but I don't see you packing bags. It seems you're quite settled here." (y/n) was radiating an intense energy of curiosity which made Gaara slightly shift closer.

"I just wanted to meet up with you, it's good to see Sasuke but he hasn't changed a bit. Unpleasant as always. " (Y/n) chuckled a bit, nodding her head. She turned to look at Gaara but he still had his eyes closed and was facing the ceiling. Silence fell over them. Both of them clueless on what to say. A knock interrupts what Gaara was going to say. (Y/n) about to get up and open the door is stopped by Gaara halting her by his hand. He went ahead and locked the door, the door locked with a ' Clink' sound .

" What the hell. Do you think I didn't hear that?" The sweet voice of the one and only Sasuke Uchiha is heard from beyond the door. (Y/n) is in a fit of giggles, Sasuke being one of her dearest friends was such a nosey potato.

He was always behind her, it was both good and bad. (Y/n) feeling a bit bad for he friend went ahead and opened the door for him. "You sick son of a bitc-" Sasuke stops and looks at (y/n) "- Why the hell are you here ? And why do you have the door locked ? Are you boh canoodling? If you are, do it at your place. I need this room back." Sasuke steps in the room looking at it disgustedly. Sasuke was a man of organisation after all. He couldn't bare seeing his home like this.

" Hello Sasuke. Gaara called me here. We locked the door because it's funny to see you angry. We both are not canoodling"--'at least not here'--
Why do you need the room back, anyway?" (Y/n) calmly answered everything as she wasn't new to Sasuke's burning questions.

"Look at this place! Rats are going to start infesting. He doesn't even clean the room and I'm not calling pest control. I already tried, They don't take humans even though he's  the equivalent of pests."

Gaara was sprawled in bed, looking at (y/n) and Sasuke bicker. " OKAY OKAY, WE'LL CLEAN THE PLACE UP." (Y/n) blazed Sasuke with an antagonising stare.

" You better help me," (y/n) snaps at Gaara, making him jump a bit in the process. He stutters a quick "y-yes ma'am."

Shisui is downstairs jamming to music. Hearing (y/n) shout disrupted his flow. He went upstairs to check on what was happening. He put down his headphones and went to check. 
As he reached the hallway he saw Sasuke standing outside Gaara's temporary room holding a broom looking very sad.

"What the hell happened to you?" Asked Shisui.  "(Y/n) put me in a timeout," Sasuke huffed.

Shisui sighed feeling a headache coming through. His job was already so strenuous, he just wanted some quiet time at home.
(Y/n) stumbles out of the door and onto Shisui tripping the both of them. She is all dusty which now covers
"Whoops, sorry."

He really needed to get his own place.

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