Chapter 6 - What happened?

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Mary's POV

I woke up at about five thirty. I saw Kelli facing me with tears trickling onto the pillow. She looked like she was scared to death. "What's wrong?" I asked. She sat up sweating. "I keep having these stinking dreams about Annabelle." She said. "I just can't take it anymore. I just don't get why she's in almost every dream I have."

She started hyperventilating. "Calm down." I said. "It will only make things worse. You've got to tell me what happened." "Okay." Kelli said. "Annabelle interfered with the coffee house, which is on the sixteenth by the way. She threatened to kill you, Jason, and Allie. Rachel was a bystander most of the time, but she has gotten stronger. I can feel it."

"Why don't you go to sleep?" I said. "Sleep it off." She shook her head. Her face was red from tears. "No." She said. "It will come back. I hate these dreams where you keep going back to it. I hate it. I fucking hate it."

She started whimpering. "C'mon." I said. "Was it that bad?" "Um, duh." Kelli growled. "I was in my form and was exposed to Allie and Jason." "Wait, what about Elizabeth?" I asked. "She already knows." She said. "Ok then, never mind." I said.

Sweat was dripping from Kelli's forehead and neck. "I'm sorry you are that scared." I said. "I never met her." "Good." She said. "Don't meet her whatever you do. And don't tell her you are friends with me if you do. She will flip out. Rachel learned it the hard way."

"They are actually sisters." Kelli said. "I happen to be Rachel's cousin. Which means.... Shit. I might be Annabelle's cousin. Fuck!" Oh god. I thought.

It was now 8:00 and Rachel finally woke up. "Hey." Rachel said. "Morning. Were you guys awake the whole time?" Kelli and I looked at her. She noticed her face. "Was it another dream about my sister?" She asked. Kelli nodded.


Rachel's POV

I face palmed. My fucking sister just has to be brought up. I got out of bed and made some breakfast.

Kelli and Mary followed.

"Can we just keep this to ourselves?" I asked. "We won't speak of it to anyone. Not even Elizabeth. Got it?" They both nodded.

As we ate, there was a knock on the door. There was Mary's mother waiting at the door. "Really?" Mary complained. "This early? Sorry guys. I have to go." Kelli's mother answered it. "Hello Kristen." She said. "Hi, Sherry." Kristen said. "Is Mary getting her stuff together?" "Yes she is getting her stuff right now." Sherry said. "She will be right there."

Mary walked out and into the dining room with her stuff. "Remember." I whispered. "Not a lip sync, not a whisper. Got it?" She nodded and we said our goodbyes. Mary walked out the door with her mother and it was just Kelli and me.

We walked into her room and laid there for a good few hours. "I'm not looking forward to next week." Kelli said. "Full moon. I'm going to go crazy like I did in my dream." "I feel you." I said. "Well, I have day 10 next Friday." Kelli said. "We will be practicing for auditions after school that day. Auditions is next Saturday."

I nodded. "Well, I hope you make it." I said. "Thanks." Kelli said. "Hopefully, nothing goes wrong."

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