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Dear Baby #2,

I'm sorry. That's all that I can really say. I'm sorry. It was my fault that we lost your brother. Mummy and I were driving home from a restaurant and a drunk driver crashed into us. He hit your mum's side of the car, I tried to protect her but I was too late. The car hit her full on. I got out with a few bruises and scratches but your mum had to be rushed to the hospital. That's where the doctor told us that we had lost your brother during the incident. I swear I wanted to find the man that crashed into us but it was a hit and run. 

Your mum and I promise to love and protect you the best we can. We will try everything possible to make sure that you stay alive. Even if we have to bullet proof your mum's belly to make sure you're safe, then we will. I hope you're safe in there.

Love you,


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