𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬

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Amy's POV

Again, making mistakes. She couldn't believe how anger would make her act sometimes. Her last meeting with Jake hadn't been pleasing at all, but she needed space. All because of  dumb Teddy, couldn't he get in his head she didn't like him anymore?

Not like she was seeing someone now...

She had finally arrived home after that long and rough day, and what kept playing on her head was what had happened in the coffee shop, she didn't even remember thinking 'he has a date'.

Amy was watching a movie with thousands of snacks in front of her, but it turned out she wasn't hungry at all. Her phone buzzed. She paused the movie and took it to see she had a message.

A: Charles, can we talk later? I'm not in the mood, sorry.

C: No, this is urgent Amy!!

A: What happens?

C: Is Jake with you??

A: No, why? Is something wrong?

C: He won't answer his phone and he's not in his apartment. We're worried for him

A: Maybe he's just "clearing his head out". Last time we met he kind of looked like a mess, but I walked away from him and didn't see where he went.

C: Ok, I'll scold you later for doing such dumb things

A: It wasn't dumb! I needed to be alone, that's all.

C: I'm gonna check if he's in the precinct, gtg

A: Bye, Charles. But, just to justify that I walked away from where we last met, my ex-boyfriend had just tried to kiss me right there, so, yes, I think it was the fair thing to do.

Charles didn't even read the last message from Amy, so she just sighed and played the movie again. She had to admit, though, that had kinda worried her. What if Jake was missing? What if that had been the last time she had seen him? 

No, calm down, Amy, it's just your overthinker head...

Jake's POV- an hour earlier

He let out a laughter, leaning onto the wall behind him not to lose balance. Sophia and Jake had been drinking in the bar for about thirty minutes, and she just kept bringing more and more drinks. Jake barely realized how many empty bottles where in the table. He also barely realized that Sophia had drunk none. And the weird way she looked at him.

"You know what?" he said, widening his eyes and leaning into the table this time. "Maybe you're right and Amy won't talk to me again. But who cares?! I'm better without her!"

Sophia laughed and yelled "Well said!" then they high-fived. Jake wouldn't stop laughing.

"I have an idea," said Sophia suddenly.

Jake got closer to her, staggering just after moving an inch. His eyes were half-closed, but he was pretty awake. 

"I hear you," he slurred the words.

"What if you tell Amy?" suggested Sophia, looking a little shy for some reason, but also eager, like she needed Jake to accept the idea. "What if you actually tell her you don't need her anymore?"

Sophia's smile broadened when Jake nodded with excitement, biting his lip.

"Yes, yes, yes, great idea!" he basically jumped in his seat, then got very silent. "But what do we do? How can I talk to her if she's not here?"

"Don't you have a phone?" Sophia asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Oh, yeahhh," said Jake, smiling, as his eyes glowed. "You're a genius! Ok," he got his phone out and then dialed a number, but it went to the voicemail. He looked with pity at Sophia. "Oh, no, this voice inside the little box isn't Amy's. What do we do?!"

"Calm down," said Sophia, amused, "just leave a message. Express how you feel."

"Ok," he said, nervous. "Hey Amyyy! I wanted to tell you I used to like and all that jazz, but not anymore! I don't need you and I'm glad you walked away from me today!! Byeeee!"

He hung up and started laughing with Sophia under his breath, but then made as if he didn't find that funny when two people walked in front of their table. Sophia followed his lead. When the two people passed, they looked at each other and started laughing again.

"Thanks for that," he said, resting his head in the couch. "You're a great friend."

"You're welcome," said Sophia with pinched lips. 

Jake nodded, and the little movement of his head made him stagger before he hit the table, his body giving up, and then lifted his head very quickly, getting dizzy.

"Wow, wow, wow," said Sophia, looking at him with fake concern. "Ok, bud, maybe I should take you home."

"No, no, I'm fine," said Jake, smiling, but also holding his head with both his hands. "Just a little tired, that's all... Why don't we get more drinks?"

"You already drank too much, this time for real. I'll take you home," decided Sophia. "Come on, we're leaving."

Jake rolled his eyes and got to his feet with Sophia's help. She lead him out of the bar as he waddled and walked with trouble toward the exit.  

As they got in the car, he was already sleeping. Sophia smiled mischievously, but of course Jake couldn't see that.

Sophia's POV

She checked that Jake was still sleeping and parked in front of the house where she agreed to be at that hour. It had been very easy to get Jake drunk and then bring him there. All she had to do was worry him about his relationship with Amy. He was way too sad to notice Sophia's suspicious acting, luckily. 

Sophia got out of the car and opened Jake's door, who was still snoring a bit loudly. She shook him soflty, as he opened his eyes with difficulty and then looked around him.


"Jake, we're in my house, come on," whispered Sophia. He nodded and she helped him to get out of the car, his eyes still half-opened. "Good, buddy," she said once they entered. 

She just hoped Jake wouldn't get suspicious about how Sophia's "house" barely had furniture, or why the lights were already on.

"Why aren't we in my apartment?" was all he asked. The way he slurred the words made it difficult for Sophia to understand what he was saying.

"Didn't you want to forget Amy?" she said, smiling. Jake smiled back and got closer to her.

"Noice," he said. Jake leaned in her direction, but, before they could kiss, a thud was heard behind Jake's head, and he fell uconscious into the wooden floor.

Someone stood behind him. It was Teddy Wells. 

Sophia and he had met not long ago, after Jake had just gotten Sophia out of his apartment suddenly. Teddy was heart broken too. He said a jerk had made his girlfriend to break up with him, and eventually the name 'Jake Peralta' slipped out of his mouth. 

It turned out they both were mad at him, all they needed was to get him drunk and it had worked. 

"Why did you knock him out?" questioned Sophia, as Teddy lifted Jake's body and put him in a couch. "I could've left him unconscious with a little touch in his elbow, zero violence."

"Oh," scoffed Teddy, "do you actually have feeling for this idiot?"

Sophia rolled her eyes. "Ugh, can't believe I'm working with a dirty cop."

"Shut up and help me," said Teddy with a bossy tone. He looked at Jake with disgust. "You're not gonna see the sun again."

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 • PeraltiagoWhere stories live. Discover now